Shelley Stuart
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Agents redux
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I'm going to take some time to grip about the agent search. It won't do anything but let me articulate my frustrations, so if you're not interested, go back to CNN or today's Dilbert comic.

On the whole, I hate trying to find an agent. I can make about four or five calls in one day because I get a "send a query letter" or "we're not taking on new clients" or worse yet just an answering machine. Dutifully, I leave a message knowing full well the chances of getting a callback are slim to none. I'm forcing to go through every agency listed on the WGA Agency list that doesn't have that dreaded [**] symbol. The ** indicates agencies who won't even give you the time of day until you have a referral to someone known to them. Bob's wife Helen's cousin's lover or the agent's cook's wife. That cuts out well over half the list there.

It doesn't yet seem to matter that I already have an agent and am seeking to relocate. I still have no sales. My one production is unpaid until the final product is sold. Sigh. I have come full circle.

Trouble is, if I don't get an agent then I can't keep sending my scripts out to companies because they won't take unsolicited scripts. I've thought about trying to get a manager, but production companies don't always allow submissions through managers, who are unlicensed (agents are licensed through the state).

Still, if I don't make those calls, I go nowhere. So, lunchtime will involve dialing again, probably more frustration, and another day gone.

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