Shelley Stuart
Adventures in Hollywood

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Persistence, persistence, persistence
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It being Monday, and too long since I've heard from anyone, I made a couple of phone calls again. First was to SciFi to see if they've made contact with JoAnn yet. They hadn't (which I pretty much knew), but the delightfully pleasant assistant there put me back at the top of the call sheet. So, I'm hoping that JoAnn gets a call from them tomorrow.

Then I called John to see what's up with the scripts I have with Bernie Weitzman and Herm Saunders. They apparently both liked the scripts I gave them, and will be making contact with my agent. Since John is going to see them tomorrow, he's passing along JoAnn's contact information to them. It looks hopeful, but don't stop the presses yet. :-)

John and I chatted a little about the adaptation project, which seems to be making progress towards getting made. Whether I even get to write on it looks more and more remote, but hey, that's the way it goes. If it's a choice between having a shot at adapting someone elses work or getting the opportunity to push my own material, mine wins. Hands down. I've pretty much consigned myself to "we'll see" mode on that one. There's too many variables involved. People like the story, but now a production company wants to have talent attached.

It's like being in a room full of kids who've been let out of school for a week. You ask them what's going on. "Nothin." (Picture a sneaker toe grinding in the dirt.) Then you ask what they want to do. "I dunno." (Add a shrug, with a downturned face.) But when Billy gets a new PS2, then suddenly every kid on the block wants to go over an play. Nobody wants to take a risk anymore. On the other hand, perhaps no one can afford to take a risk anymore. Sad, it is, because the safe path of filmmaking is quite dull, really.

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