Babbling into the Void

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Thanks to Mr. vanEekhout (and if I knew how to do links, it'd be here), I get to partake in the journalscape community's latest trend...

1. Name three things you would change about the city you live in.

a. Transplant BeanTown (my favourite cafe and writing spot in Sierra Madre) close by--aw, heck, transplant Sierra Madre, climate and all, directly over this neighbourhood; that way I can combine this change with my desire for less rain, more sun. Having been a SoCal sun-worshipper all my life, it was a shock to discover that my natural hair colour is dark brown.
b. Discount everything.
c. Commission the gargantuan reptilian beast that sporadically emerges from the sea and tramples harbour-city skyscrapers to target the condos that keep cropping up along the bay (which is shrinking from the incessant dredging—I didn’t know you could buy water). We could make it an annual event, with fireworks and a band.

2. Describe your ideal reader.
One who won’t declare jihad against me... then again, death warrants make for good publicity.

3. What's your favorite book from childhood, and what about it makes it your favorite?
The Monster at the End of This Book—starring Grover, who was not my favourite Sesame Street character by a long shot (Oscar and Cookie Monster were much more appealing). It was unique in its self-reflexivity. Grover reads the title, freaks out, and tries to keep you from turning pages. It was wacky, and I was crazy about it. It was the first book I deliberately had two copies of, even spent my allowance money for the second (no, it had nothing to do with some kind of I’ll-keep-this-copy-pristine logic; one just wasn’t enough).

4. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
I couldn’t identify it, but it was orange and still moving.

5. Fill in the blank: When I am King, _______________ will be against the law and ________________ will be legalized.
a) gravity
b) hefty fines for willful stupidity

That was fun. Thanks, Greg.

1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

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