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rrrrabits... plinky-plink!
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Listening: Blind Boys of Alabama

I'm in a weird mood, damned hungry and stuck doing busy work. I want to go out and play in the rain. I want to get some exercise. I want some popcorn, a smidge of chocolate and some irish nachos. *sigh* stupid cravings.

I miss people, but it occurs to me, as I see some of the folks I miss present on my AIM list, that I have no idea what to say to them. I never really feel like just saying "hey" to people and am more or less by puzzled by folks who do that. So if I've done that to you, sorry. Likely I had something worth saying a couple of days ago. Oh well.

Been following a diet for about four weeks now and I've dropped at least eight pounds. Tomorrow I weigh myself again and I'm a bit apprehensive. I've been lazy for a couple of weeks now and making due with diet bars and shakes, but it turns out early in a diet, they're not a great idea. But so far they beat the hell out of spending some four hours cooking the next six - eight meals in the kitchen.

But over the past week I've been eating pretty bad. And last Thursday the fancy schmancy dinner was very well into the Huge side, then on Saturday I went to visit my parents and Mom made a big dinner around pork loins. Yesterday I fell down completely and had a big ole hamburger with chips. *sigh* This mixed in with a fine cocktail of various pills makes me wonder what I'm shaping myself into and if it'll be anything like the shape I want to be in.

Anyway, had fun at the fancy schmancy dinner and I even got into and hired a limo. More expensive than I want to get into, but goddamn it was FUN. I want a wine cellar.

I wasted the weekend again, and I will always feel bad about that, but at least it was restful. Monday was the first time my company observed President's Day, mostly because the parent company observes it. But they still begged us to come in and bribed us with double time pay and pizza.

Tomorrow I'm planning to go see 30 Seconds to Mars at the Anaheim house of Blues in Downtown Disney. That should be fun. It'll likely get touchy because work wants me to stay late. Maybe I'll ask about coming in early. ick. That would mean walking in around five am. }:/

I should be planning out the coming weekend but work issues are making me think I should stall to see if they offer more OT. *shrug* Likely will pretend to be undead Friday night, then find someone to hang out with on Saturday. I think I should make some kind of effort to get down to Samuel French. It just seems like something I ought to do. May or may not geek again on Sat. night. And then who knows what craziness will follow on Sunday.

Stuff I ought to do:
figure out where I'm supposed to vote. I sent in my papers a while back but I haven't gotten anything in the mail so I'll have to look it up online. Molasses and I talked about some of the propositions on the ballot and I'm mostly confuzzled by them out. I find myself more and more annoyed by the bond measures just to balance the budget. I don't place my faith credit to provide balance for jack or shit and I'm definately not trusting that stuff for my state's money issues. Our credit already sucks, thanks.

Why the heck are Reps behind this? I thought they were the first ones to jump and down and scream about being fiscally sound. *shakes head* this world has gone topsy turvy, I tell you.

The trouble of course, is I have trouble seeing another way. The legislature is deadlocked and while everyone wants the social programs, no one wants to pay for them. Blearg. So the governor has done everything he can to paint it as either put everything on credit or go bankrupt. Goofiness. Sheer goofiness.

So I think it's a bad idea, but I'm truly not sure if not going for it is the better idea. *sigh* sometimes I miss being inundated by television so the pundits can think for me.

Then there's the proposition to make it so that a budget can get passed with just 55% approval instead of two-thirds. That sounds horrible to me, mostly because a majority can make a fairly strong minority completely irrelevant. Again, I can see why Dems would love this bill - they control the Assembly and Senate - but why aren't Reps screaming bloody murder?

I recently started reading Time magazine as well as Newsweek which has, on the whole, slowed down all of my reading. I barely have enough time to do it (magazines go great with workout machines, BTW) but my reading docket is overflowing. But still it's interesting to note the differences between Time and Newsweek. In many ways Newsweek has a tabloid feel to it, eventhough it's one of the most respected names in print media. Good old, staid Time, however, clearly tries to go for a more glossy newspaper feel. Neither one really takes sides and a year ago both rags were trying to read like the White House's best friends and now they're taking their rightful places, taking shots at the march to war.

I'm more familiar with Newsweek, so I know the columnists better and know who I look forward to reading (Fareed Zakaria rules!) but so far have gotten a lot out of Time's articles. I'll have to see if their articles stay on point or get occasionally distracted by the bright shiny things Newsweek has a facination with (fad diets, children's...whatever, investment plans). Also I'm not crazy about NEwsweek's partnership with MSNBC. I'm still bitter that Slate co-opted Doonesbury.

hms. what else?

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