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March spluttering
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Listening: Lateralus Tool
Desiring: company
Aches and Complaints: ankle

meh, blah and feh. I feel boring. More than even bored. Can't focus on anything eventhough I have plenty to do.

Could tell you that I voted today. FOR school money, AGAINST cutting margin needed to pass a budget. Voted Camejo for President (not Dem, remember?), skipped some local votes when I all I knew of the candidates was their name and occupation.

but mostly blah.

screwed up my ankle last night at the rock gym. left foot slipped on a rock and I lost my balance. Jammed the foot hard and flat against the wall, grinding the ankle hard. still have to be gentle using stairs. feh. hopefully won't impact working out.

Last week I had the flu so I wasn't hungry for several days. Now I'm hungry all the time. didn't make the time to cook so now I have to spend time hunting down appropriate snacks and timing eating them so I drink enough water and take pills at the right time. This diet requires more organization skills than I've got, but so far I've dropped 16lbs. So I won't be quitting anytime soon.

Over the weekend went to a coupel games which were cool. Attended a party at 7th & Temple (got their after the cops did, so it was rather chill, hang out time). Sunday garou'd, had trouble focusing and my character actually got in some trouble it. I feel like and idiot and so does she *shrug* After the game went to Grinder and I was fading fast. Conversation flying around, mostly over my head. I wasn't really trying to pay attention but there were a couple guys who were making statements about source material that didn't jibe with me. I admit I was tired but I really hate being treated like I don't know the material. I understand it's my lot in life, being a female gamer and all, but I know the material and I know what I've read, even if it was a while ago. oh well.

We wandered back to my place and collapsed into bed. We actually started snoozing around 930pm and then really turned in around 1030pm.

Friday we rented Holes, neat movie. I liked it a bunch and want to track down the book (which should't be hard).

Last Wed Squire and I travelled together to dinner for a friend Richard was throwing. I convinced Squire to go with me since Jester, Wifey and child would be there. He hadn't met the kid and likes Wifey a lot so the convincing was easy. It was rad to see the rest of the crew again and Jester was amused at my remark about LA seasons (Fire, Flood, Tourist/earthquake, Sun). But now somehow I'm in charge of a climbing/camping trip to Joshua Tree. Most exciting, though is that Jester and Wifey are trying to move closer. We all heartily aplauded the idea.

Two siblings' birthdays are coming up later this week and I have to call home for details. Miss Thang called me to ask after a restaurant she would like to eat at and told me one of her friends from college is now married. Through the SF clerk's office. We both wondered if our cousin, the Butch Queen (Queen of Butch?), has headed up north yet. She's very outspoken even while the rest of the family tries to keep up a blindspot for wherever she is (and her partner and friends). Privately, I wonder if there are many gay couples that broke up over this.

Partner A: Well you said we'd be together for ever.

Partner B: well, yes, but do we need a piece of paper to say that?

Partner A: Hell, yeah, cause now that it's legal I want it!

Partner B: Do you want it more than you want me?!

Partner A: I want both you asshole!

Partner B: Haven't you ever heard of compromise?

Partner A: Compromise this! You even said till death, but now you don't want to sign on the line.

Partner B: God, what a drama queen! Get over yourself already.

Partner A: *insulted gasp* That's it! I'm gone!


I hate feeling so listless. It kills interest in everything.

take care everyone

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