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I think it's Wednesday
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Listening: Morning becomes Eclectic (w/ Blind Boys of Alabama & Ben Harper)
I'd rather be: interested in something
Enjoying: KCRW Simulcast

I wish I had something cool to say, but I just don't. So I'll settle for totally uncool things and deal.

I wanted to ignore the debate(s) but it's more or less impossible. The SO wants to follow them closely and of course all the news outlets I pay attention can barely talk about anything else. It's always irritating how they talk about the lead up to debates for two or three days and then deconstruct (sorta) the debate all the next day. And there's still two more to go.

If I didn't have a completely crappy opinion of my fellow voters I might be more interested but the simple fact that "girly men" is getting traction as an acceptible form of criticism in political circles just makes me hate my countrymen all the more. This shit is just fucking retarded.

From what I heard last night and what I'm hearing this morning, people will only hear/recall the platitudes and attacks. There is little room in the newscasts for the specifics either candidate said, and they both did. (Though personally I heard *way* more specifics from Kerry. Bush performed as the well-trained parrot he is. The man can't think on his feet if his life depended on it. If you doubt me check this out.)

While Kerry can be specific about what Bush has done wrong and actually noted a few specifics that he would do, I can't really say I'm impressed. Of course on the matter of international relations there isn't much that's radical that Kerry can say he would do differently - the radical thing would be to pull out of Iraq and that would not be wise, IMHO. Clearly the next president will be stuck with Bush's mess no matter what. So I'll content myself with Kerry badgering Bush. The man needs to be badgered. And then some.

Ok so that's that.

Today feels really weird. My brain keeps trying to insist that yesterday was Friday and today is some weird appendage where my weekend is supposed to be. Oh well. Today is a short day at work. They're letting us...rather, kicking us out at 3pm so the tech people can implement a big launch. There's a whole lot of bad food around the office. Then mgmt is paying for snacks at the local billiards place. }:/ I'm up for billiards but I don't really want to deal with dodging unhealthy snacks and such crap that will derail The Diet. Bah oh well. I'll hit the gym some more and hope for the best.

I'm pretty sick of the Diet. I think I'm going to ditch it and just hold myself to stuff that isn't heavy on sugar/starch stuff. I'll be looking at other systems. My metabolism reacts well to new systems and I can ride that reaction for some six months, but things peter out after that then I get no more reaction no matter how strict I am.

Money is still really tough and aggravating. A couple surprise bills are trying my patience. I got some concrete information on a reasonably good deal for consolidating my school loans. However that would extend the life of my loans to 15 years from five years. So I don't think I'll do that. I want this to go away.

Gaming is...meh. There's crap I want to get done so I don't let other people down but at this point I would rather stay home and read or write. I've actually come on an idea for running at table top game. I have no idea how interesting it would really be but it's an idea I've shaped around one specific person as my player of choice. The only trouble is it needs mechanics and I have no experience in designing any such thing. I recently played a game that ran on percentiles. It seemed decent. We'll see.

There's a lot more missing from my life that I need to go out and get. I don't know how though and I'm frustrated again at how little movement I've had since college. They never teach you how to create your own life.

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