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Letter T
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Listening: Faceless, Godsmack

Rules: Post a comment, I'll give you a random letter. Then list ten of your favorite things that start with the letter.

The letter "T" is brought to you today courtesy Jen.

Ok, so it's hard to come up with stuff that starts with T that I would call favorites. There are a number of things that I thought of that I could certainly say I don't like - "tyranny," "typhus," "taxes" - and there are plenty of things that I think alright, but I don't think I favor them - "teal," "towels." Then again there are several nifty things that start with "Th" but most of them only qualify if you include the word "the" which most archives won't. I don't want to bypass that rule but without it I won't be able to tell you about one of my current favoritist things in the world, at least within this meme. I could always create a new entry. }:>

Also, there are just things I think are nice or interesting but I don't know about favorites - "tigers," "tarot." So... this list was surprisingly tough. Most entries require qualification which doesn't feel right but...well...oh well.

1. The Daily Show. The only entry that starts with "the." But I am crazy for this show and I'm happily and hungrily going through the archives of the nearly nine years of shows now available on their Web site. It's become a huge and important show over the years where it used to be just some more goofiness on late night TV. I used to watch it regularly when it was hosted by Craig Kilborn - a priviledge of the time and place because I had a roommate with a TV and free cable. Watching for most of the run was spotty for me. ('member? I don't own a TV. Never have.) Though I remember the first time they got a Peabody award for Indecision 2000. No one was more shocked than Jon Stewart. I particularly remember when he was on NPR's Fresh Air after the award and he was shocked to have a show that was critically acclaimed. In the 2006 crossword documentary Wordplay Stewart summed up his job with "I tell dumb jokes for money." Damn, I love those guys.

2. Theatre. It must be a testament to how awesome I think TDS is that Theatre comes in second on this list. I've had a love affair with the theatre I think maybe since junior high. My love for the meta-narrative has only grown the more I've studied and worked at it. And I really could be happy to just watch, read, study and write about theatre. I love the human impulse to put on a show and I'm amused at how shocked - shocked - people are to find that their lives are caught up in production after production (a charge that might not make sense to people who don't watch The Daily Show). I've gone on and on in this journal about how much I love theatre and I probably will again. My mother and I sank a lot of money into my BA in theatre and I would love nothing more than to earn an MFA in directing. Hell, it would be killer to be a publishing professor with a doctorate....

3. Travel. This is a very general topic but none of the destinations that I love heading to or daydreaming about seem to start with the letter "T." At least, so far. But I love heading to far off places. I like getting the chance to be somewhere that isn't home, to look around and learn. I love trying things that are different and getting the sort of view of a place that locals take for granted. Flying places is only a means to an end. For travel that is really awesome the way to journey is by car. The grit, the horizon flying by, pit stops, stuff on the ground that's not in the tour book.... I haven't gotten to really go anywhere in ages and it bothers me something fierce.

4. Tori Amos, Tool, They Might be Giants. Music I dig. That's all.

5. Tomorrowland. Favorite part of Disneyland. A few rides that go fast, fun that doesn't feel forced...good times.

6. Tomatoes. Ok, I'm starting to run low. And I'm only on #6. Well... I love tomatoes. And I feel my appreciation has to cover the gap left by the poor fools who can't seem to get on board with this delectable fruit.

7. Talking. Um. Well. I don't know. This isn't a favorite past time for me, I mention it as my favorite way of communicating with people. And I think part of my favoritism is (as with #6) at least partly due to the lack of appreciation others show for it. Speaking with someone is far, FAR more effective a means of communicating than writing at them but I know so many (like most, it seems) who prefer text, email, online comments to frigging talking that it seems like any day now we're going to completely lose talking as the obvious means of conversing. I try to be respectful of other people when they've got a lot to juggle and can't easily get to a phone or make time for getting together. But I rarely feel respected in return when I express that you just can't deliver as much information in an email or a text message. I don't care who you are - you just aren't as good at writing at me as as you are talking to me. I bloody hate carrying on a conversation over text message but that seems to be what I'm left with as email seems to be too much effort for a lot of folks these days. Do you have any idea how much easier it is just to talk? Sheesh.

8. Top 10 by Alan Moore. In the general subject of graphic novels this actually shows up a bit down the list, but it wins for beginning with "T." And also, it's great fun reading. I dig it bunches.

9. Tandoori, Thai. Delicious cuisines. yum!

10. Tastings. In particular - wine, whiskey and rum. I'd like to get to do some coffee tasting and possibly some olive oil and/or bread tasting. cheese would be good too. In short, I like trying new things and comparig to other tasty things. }:>


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