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Things that Need to Happen
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Ugh. I'm full. I have a few things to take care of but I'd really like to lay down just so I can give my belly a break. Went to dinner with some dear friends and for some godforsaken reason got BBQ chicken & ribs. It's not like I didn't know they would fill me to the gills...yet it's still hard to make myself stop.

So there are things that need to happen - and one or two that need to stop.

I need to eat more regularly through the day so I don't get to the very end and I'm terribly hungry and try to down a huge meal. First and foremost, it hurts. Secondly, I eat bad things. So healthful, reasonable eating needs to happen.

I need to talk with my family more - including emailing them even if they don't write. Well, my mom writes and I don't always have much to say in response. (Usually she wants to know when I'm coming over next and I want to avoid committing.) But my dad is a guy so it doesn't always occurr to him to write even if he's up to something interesting. Same with my bros. So that has to happen.

I need to talk more better. I need to communicate gooder. I need to say what I need to say and find some way to say that doesn't shut people down. What needs to happen is I need to find a class on a negotiation. Why that and not a relationship communication class? Um... cause I'm weird? But it needs to happen.

Exercise. That needs to happen more. Oy.

I need to wear sunscreen more often.

I need to collect more snail mail addresses and get back into letter writing. Mh hand writing cramps. Good stuff.

Office hours. They have to happen. That way I don't leave it till "whenever" to get to things. Important things. Office-type things.

And reading hours. That has to happen also.

You know what would also be good? Winning the lottery. and a pony. That would be good.

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