Something to Do Before I Die

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God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"
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OOop it's May already. Time zips by like a bandsaw and I can try to catch up at my own peril. So easy to hang back and do nothing, just watch it go flying by and just adapt to being less consequential as I do nothing worth noting for days and months and years.

But shit that's happening around me... Well it's like this:

I run away during the week to a friend's house in Highland Park (south of Pasadena). I'm friends with her housemates. They're all very cool, artsy, Burning Man free spirit, live and let live super awesome people. They have a dog who has spoiled me for all other dogs. They're patient, generous and seem sincerely eager to see me when I visit. I can goth out there, do some hula hooping and get seriously geeky on any topic I like.

I head up there because it's a lot closer to the rehearsal space I go to most nights for the play I'm stage managing. I like it well enough but it's not creative. and the major drawback is it isn't for money. but it's something to do and it goes on the CV so it's not all bad. I like the people I work with and they connect me with other people, which is important.

At the HP Haus i've been seriously fangirling with likeminded folks over both Repo! the Genetic Opera and Nine Inch Nails. They got me into Repo and I love the shit out of it (OMG I got to meet Anthony Stewart Head!! And kissed Terrance Zdunich!) and I love that we get to keep playing NIN records while counting down to the concert in a couple of weeks. Basically I get to run around squeeing like a 12 year old and then smoke and drink in the evening like I'm some kind of adult.

This all would be so much better if a drunk driver hadn't hit me last week. I still can't really truly get the rage broiling in my gut, but intellectually I'm pretty furious and that's when people ought to be wary. Even though it totally wasn't my fault I've had to deal with a fuckload more bullshit than I would ever want to. and that includes looking at a new car loan on top of what I owe my mom for the old one. Frustrating as fuck.

And no, I still don't have a job. Just looking at the "want ads" (such a damn ironic heading these days) is soul-crushing. But that's my life. Questions?

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