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It is my opinion that Congress (or a Constitutional Amendment?) must address the issue of what constitutes a "fair election".

Certainly, the vote in 2000 was not "fair", with Bush-appointed Supreme Court members voting to "give" the victory to Bush, even though Gore had more votes.

Certainly, the Electoral College isn't "fair". It may have made sense in our earliest days, it does not anymore.

Certainly, voting machines that can be demonstrably hacked to produce a false "winner", (who does not actually get as many votes as are registered to them), is not fair.

Certainly, it is not fair to have slime tossed about (I'm referring to dirty tricks such as the "Swift Boat" attack ads), in political ads, when the stories are made up out of whole cloth, in such a way as to sway an election by simply lying (Rove is a master baiter).

And certainly, having to raise a $Billion (or even a sizable portion thereof) to "win" the Presidency is unfair. It's supposed to be a contest of ideas, not who is able to "BUY" the office.

I would like to see a Nationwide "Run-Off". The top 3 contenders from this runoff would be allowed to proceed to the final vote, be they all one party, or 3 different parties!

Oh, and by the way, if banks can do business over the web securely, then we can vote securely the same way.

It is all merely a matter of policy, which the American People deserve to have redressed.

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