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Wish Upon A Czar
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On the Daily Show a night or two ago, John Oliver showed a graph with 3 circles, one for Commander-In-Chief, the second for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the third for the Defense Secretary. All of these intersect at some point, so the area in the middle where they intersect forms a subset which the new WAR CZAR would be expected to fill.
When asked what responsibilities the WAR CZAR would have, John Oliver says "BLAME" and that it seems that the position will be effective retroactively to the beginning of the Bush Administration.

One of the few requirements to get the job is "an immense capacity for shame"!

When John Stewart asked John Oliver why in the world Bush would want to use the phrase WAR CZAR for this new position, Oliver listed a number of other possible phrases that would be equally useful. My favorite was "BATTLE POOBAH".
I guess Bush really knew what he was talking about when he claimed that "there are some jobs Americans just won't do"!

I love the last line of the article at Slate:
" To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, you go to war in the place where there's fighting, with the officials you've got. The problem with the war in Iraq isn't that we don't have a war czar. The problem is that the war is in Iraq and that George W. Bush is the president. "
BTW, I daydreamed in bumpersticker the other day:
Or has it been done already?

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