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Punny Name Archive (Official Release )
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Announcing the release of the Punny Name Archive, which is now a "Wiki", as in Wikipedia.

As some of you know, I had a website many years ago with a collection of names, each one of which, if said aloud, is reminiscent of a common phrase, and thus were called "Punny Names".

I wanted to make the archive of these a living thing, which would go on without me, in perpetuity. To do this, I wanted to open it up to the world, for these can't be limited to merely a few people in America!

To visit the Archive, you don't have to be a member. However, to enter any content at all, in the Forum, or to leave a comment at the bottom of any existing entry, such as Dobe Doinat.

Poke around, and enjoy, but better yet, go to and simply sign up for a free account. Once you have a free account, you will have access to the Punny Name Archive, as a member, and then you can help make the Archive even more fun, by putting your own content in.

Thanks for taking a look, and hopefully, joining as a member, and entering content. Oh, yes, and Happy 23rd of June-uary (at least in the NW)!

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