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Painting the Roses Red
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Slightly Irritated, Slightly Amused, Mostly Tired

Fluxx, Lunch Money, Mausoleum (okay, I prolly misspelled that one), Gother than Thou, Guillotine (prolly misspelled too, I'll chek these later), Falling, and a whole slew more. Last night was supposed to be a full night of wild and crazy card games. This was the plan for the alternative Thursday nights where we aren't playing Star Trek (the game that just won't quit, been playing this character for well over two years now). Unfortunately, several of the hours were eaten up by the debates of the good and bad points of Laws of the Wild Revised. Now, generally I don't mind casual game talk, but this really got out of hand. I got a few good games in with Adam and Marshall, and we all played one game of Lunch Money, but it was supposed to be bigger than that. *sigh*

Didn't get much sleep last night. Granted, this is a common occurance, but often it's just restlessness, last night just kinda got to me. I was laying in bed, contemplating life, work, the game (I recently switched LARP chapters so am working with a whole new group of gamers, storytelling, etc. I'm trying to decide really where gaming fits in my life right now, it feel like I have been doing it forever.), family (there's a lot of them to keep track of), living arrangements, and generally how I handle my time and energy and how I can use them more effectively.

When I got to sleep, I had two dreams. One was of me leading a small group of people through a cannal through a jungle type area. I remember there were crocodiles, snakes, all sorts of creepy stuff. I was leading the way, and though I passed by several large animals who looked vicious, none tried to harm me. Eventually, I told Misty that she should lead the way at some point, and once she did and we turned a corner she was snapped up by a rather large crocodile. I wound up wrestling it's mouth open and biting the croc to let her go, which it did. She fell to the water and then I woke up. The dream, which seemed like it went on for hours of walking through water and around animals, only happened during an hour of sleep.

The second dream was very Alice-in-Wonderland-esque. I was at Erik's place, watching TV and then noticed a bird on the balcony and followed it. I fell off the balcony, and was falling and falling but not hitting anything, and then saw all sorts of game cards flying around me. It was like I was in a tornadoe of living cards (there was a mix of traditional cards and gamer cards). Some had faces ala-Alice-in-Wonderland (the ones that painted roses and played croquet) This one woke me with a big jolt. Again, not much time lapsed for this dream either.

So, other than weird dreams, no sleep, and rnadom occurances of life every now and then, things have been rather well. I get to have an Aussie stay with me for a few days and show him around Los Angeles. Should be pretty fun. I get to see my sister and nephew next week too, and hope to get a chance to spend some time with them, and Kody should be in town like today actually, and should have a week of free time in which to hang out and catch up. It still really throws me about him being married now, especially after being roomates with him and a long time girlfriend of his, Janel. That's a whole other story altogether. I sure hope Jenny is cool.

I think that's enough journalling for now.

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