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Kareoke, refreshment of the soul
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better than yesterday

It was his first time... so understandably he was nervous. He'd heard so much about it. All of his friends were doing it. It sounded really fun but he had just never gotten a chance to find out how good it was first hand. But even though he was nervous, he decided to go for it...

and he joined us for Kareoke at the new location, Sky Sushi.

Last night was a blast. It pretty much solidified the fact that yes, Kareoke is going to become a regular Monday night thing. Williams and Shane wound up not showing up, but between the four of us, me, Erik, Marshall, and Doug, it was a very cool evening. The new location was pretty empty because it's so new, but it was far from dead. Wendy (the girl who runs this particular kareoke company) was at her best as always. We were able to get a lot of songs in, about 4 or 5 each. I sang You Oughtta Know, my all time kareoke fave, for starters so that I could belt it out and get warmed up. then did Caught a Light Sneeze and Cornflake Girl, as both of those fit my range rather well, and then topped it off with It's the End of the World As We Know It. The last one is always a crowd pleaser, and I had them pretty worked up. Then Marshall comes in with Jump Around and practuially brings down the house. Doug did really great for the songs that he did, he even decided that he wanted to do a Harry Connick Jr song that wasn't in the book, so he sang it acapella. I've done Kareoke so many times and I don't think I'd ever have the courage to go acapella. You go Doug. I must say that one of the highlights of the evening was when Erik sang Your Song, by Elton John. I've always loved that song, he didn't know it was one of my favorites until Moulin Rouge came out. It was very sweet.

After last night, I've decided that Amaretto Sours are WAY too sweet for me. Marshall introduced me to them a few weeks ago. They're okay for a while, but you can't spend an entire evening sipping on those, and there isn't too much else that they mix with. I think I'll stick to ciders or whiskey drinks, those always seem to go well. I didn't get sick or anything, I just wasn't feeling well when I went to bed, felt fine this morning though, but then again I only had like 3 or 4 drinks total.

In other news, I get my first bridge actually in this weekend. Thay is one bridge out of the two that I needed to have done. I've had so much dental work over the past few weeks it's been crazy. it's going to cost me about 2,600 bucks when all is said and done, but at least at that point it will be done.

Looking forward to my driving lesson this weekend.

I don't think I really realized until today that ICC was so close. I've still got a lot of stuff to prepare for that.

All in all, things have been getting better.

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