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May I have more hours in a day?
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a little stressed

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May I have more hours in a day? Please? Just a few slipped in there at night? Just in case I need em?

I've had so much insomnia lately it's really starting to worry me. Of course, between driving tests, coordinating office moves, among other things, company upheaval after the Chapter 11, etc., I've been a bit stressed. Work has passed it’s lull and has been hyper busy, which has me a little high strung. I haven't even taken time to make a journal entry anywhere. I've barely been able to keep up with everyone else's journals or with LJ.

I've fallen way behind in Cam responsibilities. By now I should have responded to all of the players in my venue, and should have all of the character database stuff taken care of. I have a game in three weeks, and cancelled my last one. I've ignored all sorts of games and emails, yet feel like I spent way too much time playing over the weekend.

The apartment is practically spotless though, which makes me happy. I have some of my things that need to be organized better but even have some good organization going on with my many art projects. I finally got the bathrooms clean and found this magic thing at Smart N Final that is like a pumice stone but it grinds down as you use it, and you use it like an eraser. That got all of the rust color and any rings or deposits off all of the porcelain in the bathrooms. Since this is an apartment, that stuff tends to build up over the years. The rooms are great. The kitchen is clean. Besides getting this carpet clean and/or burning it right off the floor, we’re pretty much set. I swear, if I ever own property I’m NEVER putting light colored carpet down.

So, I almost passed my driving test. I had NO marks against me and we were almost done. I did a bunch of turns, backing up, parking, everything perfectly, but then there was this left hand turn that he grabbed the steering wheel on, and in doing so, it fails me automatically. I have another test scheduled for Wed. afternoon. I’m bummed, sure, but am pretty confident that as long as I don’t do anything tremendously stupid, I’ll be fine next time. My permit expired on the 16th. Hopefully I’ll be licensed by then.

I'm shocked at this one: Language Police

Here's another good reason for not having kids, by the time they get old enough for school, they won't be able to learn a fucking thing.

Nicole Kidman was being grilled all over the place this week about being caught on camera with a cigarette at Cannes Film Festival. Now, I'm not one for smoking, but insisting that stars have a responsibility to be squeaky-clean role models is so stupid. If you’re looking towards Hollywood for role models, you’re looking in the wrong place. There’s some great people there, but you cannot hold everyone up to pristine standards, they’re just people.

So, there is now a reason for competition on my home computer, and even MORE reason to get DSL or cable modem ASAFP. Why you may ask? Beta testing Star Wars Galaxies! I haven’t played yet, and it is still buggy, obviously, but it looks cool enough to give it a shot. I may lose interest in it after a while, depending on how Everquest it is. I dunno, something about that game never really captured me, and I didn’t understand how so many people could devote so many hours playing it. I still haven’t been able to play much of Eternal Darkness, which I was enjoying, but that’s mostly due to me being busy rather than losing interest.

I'll probably do another entry later, this one seems long enough, and I'm hungry, going for food.

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