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As the day draws to a close
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screwing around instead of working

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So I've accomplished a little bit of work today but have been a but sidetracked and have not really stayed on task as I should be.

Do you ever find yourself with a billion things on your mind throughout the day, constantly making mental notes that you want to put such thoughts in your journal, then actually get in front of your journal and forget the really profound or important thoughts that you wanted to share?

That' kinda me right now.

I have amused a sufficient number of people here in downtown dressed as a pirate. I met some new people, and was asked three times "Do you listen to KROQ" (Kevin N Bean have been talkin about Pirate day for a month now apparently) instead of what they really wanted to ask which is "did you dress like a pirate on purpose for Talk Like A Pirate Day?" but didn't want to due to attempted cultural sensitivity (Hey, I'm sure some people dress like this for some reason)

A few of my friends have expressed an interest in a very interesting prospect for an art\writing project. I've never been inked before, but something about a collective tatoo project is intriguing. I'm prolly not going to do it, but it is a very interesting concept. WHo knows? I'm an artsy kinda gal.

So, collectively, my office bought 8 packs of Garbage Pail Kids. They were in the candy section at Rite Aid, and we've all been very nostalgic all day. Many of them are the same as the old ones, but apparently there is a handful of new ones. The gum is much better though, and there are 4 wapped pieces per card pack. We've been trading them, we've been putting togehter the puzzles made up of the backs of cards. This may become a new office hobby.

So I've still been in high contemplation mode. I'm still shocked that yet another week has just woooooshed by. I still haven't taken the time to take another driving test and I keep telling myself every week that I will. I still haven't gone to the gym even tough I keep telling myself that I will. My art table and workout vieos are gathering dust, and my list of books I really want to get to keeps growing.


At least it's Friday, and payday, and Pirate Day. It makes me feel a whole lot better.

Hoping that my game tomorrow goes off fairly well. We're trying a new location. It should work out nicely.

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