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The Deathtrap Labyrinth of Yankovic, only in Fubar!
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Stressed as always these days

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So, my run of Deathtrap went rather well. Barring some small tehnical difficulties involving a CD player that has to be "rebooted" after half a show's worth of cues because it has "memory issues" and likes to crunch on CDs in it's spare time, and my wonderful ability to hit the wrong light board slider on occaision, the doorbells, phone rings, thunder and lightning, and all other technical aspects of the shows went along fine. The first cast was fabulous and every show was a smashing success.

Second cast opens tonight. I'm not running tech for the second cast, as I will be out of town for the rest of the run, but I do plan on seeing it tonight. 8PM, Hollywood Fight Club Theater on Sunset and Highland. I expect this cast to be really good too, they've been working very hard, but I have not seen them do the show yet.

And you'll HAVE to come see a show if I wind up directing one when I come back from Kentucky. It's a moral imperative!

Deathtrap and work kept me soooo frickin busy. Now that I'm not doing Deathtrap, I've got to prep for the LARP I'm running Saturday. I'm a little more stressed about this game, as it is the first LA game post worldwide masquerade shattering (basically all of the humans now know that the vampires exist now, and chaos has ensued, I am sure it will turn out well, as they all do, and that people will have fun in their post-vampire-friendly Los Angeles.

I went to the Labyrinth Masquerade last Friday. It was okay. Got a couple of shots of me in my costume. Erik opted for a simpler costume than last year, as last year had him burning up and standing outside just to get some air most of the time. I was hoping for more artists or art exhibits, as there were about a dozen last year, but there was one puppet maker, some paintings, and thats about it. The bands were cool, one of them, Knollwitt, was really great. I bought a CD from the singer, she was really nice. I probably sould have paid to see them do a show, which made the 25 dollar ticket price much easier to accept. It was not bad, but my expectations were for it to have been much more than the "night club in costume" feel that I got from it for the most part. Am actually considering getting involved somehow to help plan it next year. Maybe I can get them to do something right or better. :)

Monday: Karaoke. Fun, 3 songs in the night, many friends there, good times.

Tuesday: First, there was work, then there was Gold Line to Old Town Pasadena. The ride was nice, Pasadena is pretty, and old town is always interesting. Met with Nobody at her work and set off for yummy sushi. I forget what the place was called, but the sushi floats by on little boats and you grab whatever looks good. Hung out with Randy and his friend at comic book store. Then, once plans came together, fell apart, and came together, we went to karaoke to celebrate Rebecca's birthday! Went to Fubar, a karaoke bar that has billiards, and is smack in the middle of WeHo (West Hollywood). It was very WeHo. The croud was fun and friendly. Only got one song in, but kicked ass twice in a row in billiards, which is I believe a first for me. Rebecca liked her present, and seemed to have fun, so all was well in the world by 2AM, the second night in a row for the week that I came in after 2 AM.

Last night was yet another show in my ever growing repetoire of shows. Weird Al Yankovic! The show was awesome! Over 2 hours, many songs in the medly, old and new stuff, full costumed songs included "Dog Eat Dog" where I felt old and found myself explaining the costume and dance and movements which parodied Talking Heads. His parody of "Lose Yourself" was also full costume, and he looked exactly like Eminem a la 8-Mile. I love these shows. If you wanna catch him, he's playing every night at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa through Saturday night. Price is 7 dollars to get into the fair, and concert is free with admission. :)

So, this morning, have done quite a bit of stuff already, have quite a bit more, just realized that it's already about an hour and a half later than I usually take lunch and I hadn't even contemplated lunch yet. T-minus 2 days till I fly out to Kentucky.

*sigh* It feels nice to have been able to make a real journal post finally. :)

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