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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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stressed, etc.

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Okay, real quick...

Louisville people are pretty nice. Downtown kinda closes down at 7 unless you're going to a restauraunt that has a bar. Its a little run down, but not too bad of a neighborhood from the look of it, though I only spent about an hour walking around by myself (don't worry, it wasn't dark yet) Boxing is real big out here apparently. Downtown has many painted horses on several street corners and other places, kinda like the angels that were/are around Los Angeles. Sometimes it smells like horse, but there is no horse to be seen to connect the smell to. Other than that, pretty clean city.

They're filming the next Cameron Crowe movie out here, Elizabethtown so that has a lot of the folks excited over here. Of course, with me working downtown, they're always filming something so it didn't even phase me that there was a filming crew. It's only a couple of blocks north of the office.

On an unrelated note, Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel insoles are a beautiful, beautiful thing. They've kept my feet bouncy and happy.

Meetings! Ack! Way too many, and several projects being done at the same time. The general feeling around it office is very much like when I first started at Virtualis. There are a lot of people working on a lot of projects and everyone was stressed, wearing many hats, but as opposed what things became with ALGX, are excited and driven. It's going to be my responsibility to establish the new office in LA, get people moved to it, hire more people, etc, which is a lot of responsibility. It's encouraging that there are plans to grow the business again, and even if it doesn't work out entirely as planned, things are looking up and stable for now. I've still got about a dozen projects between now and then (new office stuff) so I'll be busy for a while.

In other news, as soon as I get back, I'll be directing a show. Yep, DIRECTING! Wooo! It will be Twelve Angry People (based on Twelve Angry Men) and will be the second of 4 casts, though I will be hugely involved with the responsibility of the other 3 casts and directing some of the fourth cast as well (I think). Go me!

Well, so much for quick. I'm just glad I got a chance to make an entry!

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