
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Company Bearing Gifts
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30th day of lunar cycle
Dark moon in Sagittarius > Capricorn - 5:47 a.m. PST

". . . Think of all the other writers out there in the world, taking the same detour from word processor to coffeepot, thesaurus in hand, hopes in tow. We're all in it together, crossing over and over the elusive bridge between words and literature." - Abby Frucht

The last two days of writing have been detoured as Abby says in her quote. For me it has been last minute cleaning and the best, company bearing gifts.

Yesterday, Lady M and Lancelot came by for a visit. She is one of our angles on earth. Whenever she comes she always brings us a care package. This time in the form of gifts and Michael is now in heaven. His gift was a boxed set of pots and pans of varying sizes with lids which have a steam vent. These pans are Teflon coated so there are three utensils to be used with this cookware. To cap the set off is a set of nested mixing bowls.

To think, for the last year and a half Michael has used a stock pot, my two cast iron skillets, - one a 10-pounder and one a 5-pounder - a Teflon skillet and one Corning Ware rectangle deep dish to use on the stove top. It has been quite a challenge in cooking.

On top of that the precious Lady M brought us Christmas dinner with all the fixings. I am always amazed at the wonderful people we have in our lives and how much they love us.

Today brings more friends over to share a holiday meal. The gift from them is they are bringing dinner with them. What a wonderful way to spend a day but with friends around the table and enjoying good food.

My day began with a call from one of my food bank friends who is out of town. How thoughtful to be remembered by one who is out of town and spending time with his family.

So, to all you my friends and family, have a wonderful holiday season and

Blessed Be

mz. em

Music of the Day:
-- Holiday music

Days meditating: 16

Drinking: Water, tea

Currently reading:
--"Split Second - Catherine Coulter
-- "Living, Loving & Learning" - Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.
-- "The Daily Book of Art/356 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 82

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