
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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I love Thursdays. For me being retired it is kind of like what Saturdays were when I was working.

I slept in this morning since I was up late last night. When I did get up and without an assist from Bailey, I took care of his needs. Then I took care of myself with some meditation followed by yoga.

The yoga part was interesting because that man of mine was sleeping on the futon and was snoring something fierce. Try to stay focused and calm with the melody of a man feeling safe and content.

I even took time to get dressed (no jammie day today) and had some breakfast.

My big project for the day is to do some gardening. My first impulse was to clean up the area of the potted plants. There was a lot of refuse from the seed casings and dirt from the rains.

I took everything out of the corner and swept up what I could and then use the hose for the rest of it. I did a bit of pruning and rearranging of the pots. It now looks quite nice and still much the same. Though now I am looking at the finished product, I feel I am going to line up some of the pots along the wall because that gets more sun during the day. Depending on how I feel, I will do this tomorrow or wait until my next gardening day comes up.

The mood took over and I found myself looking at my little actual garden area. Some of the plants have just taken over and propagated everywhere. I pulled up grass, weeds, and some of the plants in about a quarter of the area.

I could see this area get quite a bit of sun and this is where I planted my first Roma tomato plant of the year. Depending on finances and how I feel, I may get a couple of more plants for that area. We will see.

Anyway, here is a photo my baby tomato plant.

2012 first tom plant

I also cleaned up the bird baths with an old tooth brush and got rid of some of the algae which had grown since the last time I cleaned it. I am surprised how fast the stuff grows between cleaning. I generally put fresh water in them every day. I don't want any mosquitoes taking up residence.

Of course, when I was a kid living in the country, this was one of my past times was collecting mosquito larvae in a glass jar and keep them until they hatched into flying bugs. Oooh, I was such a tom boy.

I worked in short sleeves so I would be sure to get my dose of sunshine. I did work up a bit of sweat and when I was done, I was pleased with my efforts.

But with this endeavor, I'm done with any more big stuff.

On the diabetes front, I went to do my first glucose testing and found out there were no lancets in my kit. I put in a call to the doctor. She returned my call and said there should have been two lancets in my kit. I assured her there were no lancets. With that she advised me she would call in a prescription to my pharmacy. So now I will be doing my testing before I go to bed as per her instructions.

All in all, it has been a pretty good day for me. May tomorrow follow today's example.

Mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The Camel Club" - David Baldacci


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