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Laundry Day
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After yesterday's busyness, I slept fairly well last night. At least I wasn't ready to get up when the alarm went off. Bailey, of course, was ready for one of to get up at least as he went from one to the other.

Today was decided to be the storage unit day; a day where we would go and do some organizing, sorting, throwing away and repacking. Our main objective is to have space to where we can work on the motorcycles since we cannot work on them at the apartment. So, we need to go through our boxes and sort what needs to be kept and throw out the rest, get the space organized so we can get to the bikes and have room to do the maintenance.

Well, that was the plan. My DH was not feeling well this morning and I made the decision to do our laundry, all three loads at once. Normally, this is too much for me physically and I have been doing a load a day until it is done. However, since we both needed clean clothes and I want to change the sheets today, this became my big project of the day. Also, with doing just a load, I can walk over to the laundromat and use my little rolling cart to carry the laundry basket. With three loads I choose to take the truck. DH helped me load the truck and then drove me over to the laundromat and helped me in with all of my stuff. The good man came back over when I was done and brought me back home. Now all I have to do is put away clean clothes and change the bedding. Ah, I love the smell of clean sheets.

With that chore done, I am done for the day. I would have liked to have done more but I am well pleased with what I accomplished.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The Camel Club" - David Baldacci


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