
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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A Sunny Sunday
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"Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat." - Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich."

Today began with my alarm going off and I realize that it is 7:30 a.m. and this is the time I need to be leaving for church. I sat up and took my thyroid medication, thought about going back to sleep since I was sleeping when the alarm went off.

But no, I was awake and I know it would do me good to go to church. Since I haven't been in a couple of weeks I had people asking me how I was doing. The priest gave a sermon about Adam and Eve and told the tale as a love story. For those of you who would like more details, e-mail me and I will share.

Like my Al-Anon meetings, I find when I have attended church, I have such a good high and I'm so glad I got out bed in the morning.

The day is sunny and warm and with very little breeze. Ah, a good day in the burg.

I arrived home and was going to meditate but instead I headed over to the laundromat to wash the sheets. I need to change the sheets today and it will be good to have clean ones. Below is a photo of some of the washing machine at the laundromat.


I find it really odd about me that I like taking still life photos. I think I should - mind you I'm saying should - delete the photo but for some reason I like this photos as a wallpaper. I guess I am just weird.

I was feeling kind of anxious so I went and meditated for 30 minutes. From there I took a shower and cleaned up for the day.

I am really working on setting some basics in my life to aid me in staying calm and feeling like I have some control over how my day goes. I will have to keep you posted on this one.

Bailey is ready for some lap time and to be groomed; which I readily give him my time since I have been bouncing around this morning. I love it when he purrs.

Now I am bouncing around again. I am getting myself into the habit of cleaning and preparing the vegetable we get, for use in eating as is or for cooking. The thing I am finding out is this, if the veggies/fruit are already prepared, I tend to eat them instead of finding them rotten in the drawer of the refrigerator. I hate wasting food.

The other thing I find is that Michael will cook with them more when he finds them ready to go. I know for both of us we find it more work in cooking when we have to prepare the veggies and then cook. In preparing a head of time, other than maybe chopping them up, we use them.

Plus, I like to think that the time I take with my food, even though I didn't grow it, nor do I know where it comes from; I am parting some of my energy into the food.

I am finding that now we are both diabetic, we are in a lifestyle change. Some of me is fighting and kicking about having to pay attention to what I eat. However, I know that when I can eat "real" food, it is better for me physically and diabetically. Case in point, I had one of the glazed donuts and a six ounce glass of vanilla soy milk late in the evening and then I took communion at church. Even though I waited the two hours before checking my glucose level, when I did, it was raised.

Here it is 5:22 p.m. and I feel tired by good. I have accomplished some things and my day is going well. This is me signing off as there are more vegetables waiting for my loving touch.

I hope everyone's day has been going well.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The City and The City" - China Mieville

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