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*with Jim Farris*

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The Marlon Brando Show
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(cue music)

From Hollywood!

It's "The Marlon Brando Show"

starring Marlon Brando.

Joining Marlon tonight...

Author and "Silly Thinking" contributor Douglas Lain!

The Host of "Celebrinet" Sy Gold!

Oscar winning actress Diane Keaton!

Musical group The Bamboo Shoots!

I'm Leonard Peltier....

and now an actor, diplomat, and hydroponic farmer...MISTER MARLON BRANDO!!!!!!

MB: Thank you ladies and gentlemen! Thank you, thank you. Alright... thank you. Hello everyone.
It's nice to be back here at "Silly Thinking".


MB: Thank you. Well what a week! I'm so glad we have peace. Peace at last peace at last.. God almighty peace at last!


MB: Leonard!

LP: Yes sir!

MB: You were here last week. How was it?

LP: I'd rather not discuss it...

MB: Must've been weird with that guy.

LP: I'd really rather not discuss it.

MB: You pimp. Thought you could just come down here and no one would notice uhh?


MB: I understand. No hard feelings Kemosabe. We all make choices don't we chief?

LP: I'm really glad your back Marlon.

MB: Yeah I'll bet you are chief. You maggot.
Here are Douglas Lain and Sy Gold.


MB: Hello. Have a seat Doug.. Sy. God love you guys and thanks for coming on the show.

DL: Thank you Marlon. It's great to be here.



MB: Now some of our readers might not know that we had a little problem here but thats all behind us now. Douggly how's your boy?

DL: He has recovered...

MB: Doug's little son went in for surgery last week...


MB:.. and he's doing well?

DL: Yes. Simon has recovered from his surgery and is running around.. in fact the other day he got up early before anybody else in the house and went into the kitchen...

MB: I want you two to hug and make up on the air.
What do you say?



DL: ...uhh, well...yeah sure.

MB: We all made up and you two are friends now right?

SG: I love the Dougster. Never had a cross word.

DL: Uhh.. yeah no problems. Sy is back. "Celebrinet" is back, I'm back. And you're back Marlon.

MB: Yeah you got a little big for your britches there didn't you Wouggly?

DL: I didn't do anything wrong. I just thought...

MB: Well we worked it out. How do you feel Sy?

SG: I'm looking forward to another great year AYYYEWHHAAATTT!!!


MB: Now come on you two. Hug. A big hug right here on my show.


MB: Now due to the Code of Blogging Standards and Practices we can only shoot this in two shots. We can't show you two hugging to our readers but do it anyway. The audience and me... we'll see it. And that's important.


DL: (defeated) OK...

MB: There they are ladies and gentlemen. Two bitter enemies meeeting on common ground.
I'm sorry I''s emotional.


MB: That's the most beautiful thing. Come here you two champs...

(all three hug)

MB: That was beautiful!


MB: Now Sy what's coming up on your.. what the hell is it? Celebritynet or something.

SG: Celebrinet. I've got some big exclusives coming up. And when you read it remember YOU READ IT HERE FIRST! AYYYEEEWHHAAATTT!!!


MB: And Doug... you've got that thing about the movement and peace groups. That's interesting. I read your stuff. You're a little fighter, aren't you?

DL: Thank you. I just try to do what I feel is right, and when I see the injustice, the things our government is doing that are so wrong, I just try to do something about it.

SG: Yeah, great! That PRICK thing. I heard the parties were pretty crazy. Nude women, drugs, a lot of naughty naughty! AAYYEEEWHAHHAAAT!

DL: It's PPRC not PRICK and there wasn't really any sex involved, but keep reading because there will be--

MB: And you've got this book "Polypony", I've got a copy of that right here...what the hell is this about?

DL: It's a collection of short stories...

MB: Great stocking stuffer. We're running short on time. Diane Keaton!

DK: Thank you. It's great to be here. Hi Doug, Sy. Douglas I read your column I think your stuff is great. You have such an intresting viewpoint. It's a great honor to meet you.

DL: Well thank you. I'm...really?

DK: Yeah, it's just so real. You really feel something, uhh... Well, I did anyhow, when I read it.

SG: Wait till you get to the sex part. WOWWEE!!!!

MB: Hey! Hey! What the hell am I chopped liver?

DK: Sorry. I just read his stuff and...

MB: Look Annie Hall you gotta a movie comin out with Jack Nicholson or something...

DK: Yeah. It was great.... great... with Jack. It's called "Something's Gotta Give" and it's a romantic comedy about two fifty somethings who fall in love...

MB: Annie Hall, you're great. Goodnight.

LP: "The Marlon Brando Show" is a Mar-Bran, Jim-Far production in assosciation with Doug-Wuog and Harpo Productions. Marlon Brando' wardrobe by Wal-Mart. This blog was recorded.

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