Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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A Special Presentation of the Sillies
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A Silly Special!

From our "Silly Thinking" west coast headquarters here is Jim Farris.

JF: Thank you. Good evening everyone. In just a moment we will be going to the Silly Thinking Visual Control Center in Portland, Oregon for a special anouncement. But I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your cards and letters and E-Mail's supporting me during our recent "readjustments" here at "Silly Thinking". Your support has been a great comfort to me and my family during this uncertain time and I just want you to know that we are back on track and I am back here at "Silly Thinking" and will be continuing to do the kind of great presentations you've grown to love here at "S. T."
So lets go to our President and CEO of "Silly Thinking Blog International" my good friend and colleague Mister Douglas Lain in the Silly Thinking Visual Aid Control Center. Doug take it away...

DL: Thank you, Jim and power to the people everybody! It's great to have you back at "Silly Thinking". Jim, I missed you.

JF: I missed you little buddy. What's going on down there?

DL: Hey! Jim, it's an historic day. Today we here at "Jim Farris Presents Silly Thinking with Douglas Lain" are announcing our first annual "Silly Awards" for 2003. We will be having an awards for excellence luncheon in February to honor the best of "Silly Thinking" for 2003. And now it is my great pleasure to introduce our host to unvail the nominee's. Here is Scott Baio out on the street!!!

SB: Hi Douglas! Thank you everybody. Well the "Silly Awards". Wow! I'll bet I don't get nominated or I wouldn't be here having to do this.But it's great to be here in Portland Oregon again. What a suprise... it's raining! Wow! Can you beat that.
But lets get on to the nominees...

BEST BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE.... and the nominee's are..
1. "Report On Silly Thinking Meeting with Connie Chung".
2. "Special Announcement: Former President Ronald Reagan with Dan Rather"
3. "Special Announcement: A Presidential Address"
4. "Special Announcement" Plumbing and Carpentry"
5. "Mary Carey: Missed Opportunity"

BEST SPECIAL GUEST... and the nominee's are..
1. Ronald Reagan.
2. Mrs. Miller.
3. George W. Bush.
4. The Penguin
5. The Mammoth

BEST ON SCREEN HOST.. and the nominee's are..
1. Sy Gold, "Celebrinet"
2. Douglas Lain, "Analyzing the Movement... PPRC"
3. Marlon Brando, "The Marlon Brando Show"
4. Jim Farris, "Monday Off The Top Of My Head Monday Report"
5. Dick Clark, "The Game"

BEST POSTING...and the nominee's are...
1."Mr.Rogers" Douglas Lain
2. "The Penguin, The Mammoth, and the Monkey Show" Ben and Emma Lain.
3. "Labor Day Special: A Few Moments With Dead Celebrities" Jim Farris.
4. "Wonderful Opportunities With Beatrice" Douglas Lain.
5. "Special Announcement: A Presidential Address" Jim Farris.

BEST SPECIAL EVENT...and the nominee's are...
1. ""Special Announcment: A Presidential Address" Sept 8th.
2. "Taylorism and Those Bunnies" Sept. 24th
3. "Which Beatle Am I?" May 10th.
4. "HBO First Look: The Marlon Brando Show"
5. "Special Honk! Honk! Sunday"

And BEST FEATURE OF 2003 and the nominee's are...
1."Analyzing The Movement...PPRC"
2. "Celebrinet"
3. "The Marlon Brando Show"
4. "A Few Moments With Dead Celebrities"
5. "Entertainment Roundup"

SB: Wow! what great bloggy features. It's hard to decide which ones are best. Here's Jim Farris to tell you how to vote for your favorites...

JF: Thanks Scott. Now that you've seen the nominees you can vote for your favorites in every category! You can influence our "Silly Thinking" electorial college blue ribbon panel of experts by voting for you favorites as many times as you want by posting your picks at our "Comments" prompt right here at "Silly Thinking". We'll tally the votes and our experts will represent you at our electoral college voting for the winners. The results will be sealed in standard envelopes and opened at our luncheon in February. Good luck everyone and remember you can vote as many times as you want for whoever you want!

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