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Not-so-Manic Monday
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Wow, Mondays have lost all of their angst for me. It's supposed to be the start of the work week and a burden of a day, but it's not anymore. It's a day I actually get to sleep in, to be lazy and relax... I really like that.

I went to pick up Sean at about 3 the other morning. I stayed and had a few drinks, had a little too much whiskey, got to be loud and a little obnoxious (but not obnoxious enough to annoy anyone, just confuse them), and in all had a really good time. Kirsten, the bride-to-be, also showed up, much to the consternation of a few of the other guys. But Andy was thrilled (he's the one who called her and asked her to show up) and all was well...

The car wound up getting fixed for cheaper than the estimate. So with its cosmetic wounds fixed the car is now inspectable, and tonight I will drop it off for the inspection and its engine work. It's already a much happier little car.

I'm still looking forward to Futurama Season 3 on DVD... I know, it's out, but the store hasn't gotten its copies yet, one of which is mine. Doesn't look like we'll be getting them this week either, judging from the invoices. Hopefully next week.

I'll be working Wednesday and Friday nights at the bar this week, thank goodness! After the student drought there it'll be fun to get back into it, and with the Clarks playing on Wednesday and the Argument on Friday it should be some good money. (I actually dreamt about mixing drinks last night. And something about Andy and Sean and someone else in my dead grandmother's house in Keyser, WV... Weird.) Sean and I have $8 to see us until Wednesday night, which is actually really good since it means we can pick up a 12-pack of Coke. It's one of my not so secret addictions (and yes, oh yes, there is a difference between Coke and Pepsi). I sort of figured it was the caffeine I was addicted to, but tea can't replace it, so I'm not sure that's all there is to it. (I don't get the shakes or headaches without it or anything like that, it's just one of my choice beverages.) Bawls is a fine substitute, however, so maybe it's just the caffeine/carbonation combination. Hmmmm.

Got a neat idea I'm going to try for redesigning my website. I may not get to do it today, but I'm all excited about it, so it should be fun. We'll have to see. (It's nothing big, so don't expect too much.)

And I'm spent. More later.

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