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First of all, my review of Caitlin Kiernan's Low Red Moon is up at Strange Horizons. Go ahead, check it out. I'll wait right here.

Wow, abject silliness. I just watched Invader Zim for the first time this week. It was created by Jhonen Vasquez (I may have the spelling wrong here) who wrote, among other things, a comic titled Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Now I have never read Johnny, though I may have to now, but I was intrigued as to what kind of kids cartoon such a man would write.

The answer, of course, is that this is not a kid's cartoon at all. I haven't the faintest clue how it wound up on Nickelodeon--it belongs on Adult Swim. Why is it not a kid's cartoon, you may ask? It's not a kid's cartoon because of episodes like the organ stealing one, where the alien is afraid he'll be found out by the school nurse since he has no human organs. So he starts slinking around and stealing them from random people. Oh, and the bit where the piece of intestine falls out of his mouth and he slurps it back in like spaghetti. That bit might have sealed it for me.

But I'm giving the wrong impression of the show. It's demented and twisted, but usually the story is not just based on ick factor. It's witty and silly, and the stories are always on the fantastic side (usually there are two stories in a half-hour show). My favorite is probably the very first episode, where the Irkian leaders, known as The Tallest, are sending invaders out for reconnaisance purposes to various planets, in preparation for Operation Impending Doom 2, where the Irkian armada will take over the universe. Zim, shows up univited. He had been banished to the planet Foodcourtia, but he quit when he heard about the Operation. ("You quit being banished?" one of the Tallest replies in disbelief.) Zim, after some amusing pleading (his pleading involves radioactive rubber pants. Radioactive rubber pants! And it's a throw-away comment! How can I not love this?), is sent to a mystery planet, with a (demented) robot sidekick name Gir... Gir is my favorite character on this show.

Oh, now see? I've started to blather. You're supposed to stop me when I do this. Anyway, it's definitely worth watching. There are two discs with 9 episodes (though it seems like more, I think because of the 2 episodes in an episode thing). I liked it a lot.

So I bought a really cheap DVD player yesterday ($35 at Target, do you believe it?) and set it up down at the bar. Now my Sunday night bartending can include DVDs!! Yay! Futurama, Family Guy, and yes, Invader Zim!! W00t!

And I think that's all I've got in me for now.

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