Ink Blot #265 Derping For No Reason

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Yesterday I didn't blog because I was doing a lot of running around with mum. I also unlocked two new badges on foursquare (lol not like you guys care). So it was pretty fun. I got two new charmies and a 6pack of cell phone straps. HURR HURR I got 10 charms on my phone's gel cover I really want to put more but I'm scared that the weight will rip the case apart or just won't hold to the phone.

Then we went to give my nana her insulin shot, after that we went to Michaels. From there we went to WalMart to kill time til Souplantation opened. I got some flan like dessert but it is cheese flavored hopefully it'll taste good.

While we were at Souplantation, I told mum I was getting hot and went to take off my jacket only to realize my shirt was not only backwards but inside out as well. Mum never said anything because "I thought it was you just being you"

We had a really good time. It's not often we get to do that and I'm sure it'll be one of the last times we do an outing like that for a long time.

Anyways class yesterday was alright. Pretty much since we started class til about 7:40 (something) we were practicing our decorating skills with a class made butter cream. For the next seven weeks we'll be doing two hour decorating practice skills. Our weekly homework is to practice decorating for one hour every day. Which is not gonna be fun because you have to hold your hand at a 45 degree angle WHILE not touching the cake and have to have the tip hovering over the cake while you decorate or you'll fuck the whole thing up and start from square one.

Today I'll be helping my mom decorate cuppycaeks for my youngest brothers' classes for Saint Patricks Day. Hopefully that will count as my hour for today.

I was also going to have a "Tuna's Day Out" (Heehee kudos to those of you with no life who get the pun there) but I'm not feelin too good with a tuna tummy ache and my feet are more than just sore from being on my feet while decorating for about 4 hours almost straight. Plus I'm just tired. I might go out tomorrow but depends because its supposed to rain and the buses only come once every hour and the trolley only once half an hour, instead of the half hour for buses and the 15 minutes for the trolley. So we'll see what I feel like doing.

On another note I just realized that I've had only had one hamster of the four I got as a 7 year anniversary present to myself has lived past the 3 month mark. I'm still very sad that the other three have passed on (which was weird as all fuck especially since I've kept my room at a more or less stable temp, I fed them every day, kept their water bottles refilled and gave them pets at least for half an hour every day) and I'm sure that if (and when) Fatty dies, I probably won't get any more dwarf hammies. Instead I might get a syrian like Nibblets. I had Nibblets almost an entire year. But he was just old because the lady that gave him to me had him for 2 years before that and syrians usually last only about 2-3 years so he was in his prime.

I also miss Splotches a lot too. I can't believe that this coming September will be a year that she's passed from Owner and my lives. She was the best cat I ever had in my entire life. Well next to Fatty Ding Dong (kudos to those of you who get this inside joke) though he just kept coming back to my window to yowl and never shut up.

As far as sharing recipes in my blog I don't have a problem with that except for when it comes to the pastry design and decorating. Chef Adams is going to give us special tested and tried by himself recipes that no one except his classes will get (and right now that's not that many) I will email them to you if you really want them. If not I can post some of the recipes from my basic baking class. Just ask.

Anyways I was listening to some Disturbed (I had to get my original files off my mum's laptop to put them on my new one) a couple days ago and I realized that their song The Infection reminded me of someone. That got me thinking that what if she was just a very bad infection for me and that I kept feeling the way I did because of her and now in order for me to heal from this heart ache I must forget about her and heal from the infection that was her. /incoherent rant

Anyways I guess that's it for today. I'm still pretty tired and my stomach is still hurting. Hopefully it'll feel better after I get some breakfast.

Until next time my lovelies.

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