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Sun Comes Up, It's Tuesday Morning
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Location: Work.
Listening: "Sun Comes Up, It's Tuesday Morning" by Cowboy Junkies.

Exceptionally grumpy this morning and considering making a brief list and just airing all of it at once.

Which I think I'll do.

Things That Frustrate Me

  • My job.

    If you've been keeping up with me lately, you'll know that my job has taken a serious downturn. Whereas a year ago, I was a Project Coordinator, acting like a Project Coordinator (going to meetings, discussing vendor contracts, etc.), I am now a "Customer Programs Administrator" (they changed my title two weeks ago without telling me) who spends 8 hours a day making Customer Service follow-up calls. What started out as those above me on the ladder asking my department to pitch in and help them through a rough period by contacting clients has become an expected task that precludes all other duties. As a result, I spend all day, every day, on the phone to cable affiliates all over the country. I am often patronized, called "Honey" and "Sweetheart", and/or yelled at because they mistake me for a telemarketer. I am obligated to be terminally diplomatic in all situations. This "redefinition" of my role in the workplace came with the news that, due to not meeting expected finanacial goals, there would be no annual bonus distributed for 2001 and that promotions and raises had been discontinued "until further notice" as well. Management's attitude is very much of the "you should be grateful you still have a job" sort. The three people in the Long Beach division of my department have been moved three times in the past year--most recently from the side of the floor that we occupied completely by ourselves to the other side that we now share with eight other people. Everyone else is in the larger building across the office park or in the brand-new offices in Manhatten Beach. We were supposed to be moved across the park, but the money for our office renovations ran out so here we are, stranded, until the next promising fiscal forecast. At least I get to have a plant in my cube.

  • Bills.

    The cost of living in California and in Long Beach specifically is rising--rapidly. My rent alone went up almost $100.00 two months ago and, in a state where it's legal for your landlord to raise your rent by a maximum of 14% per year, it's only going to get worse. Currently, the rental rates are teetering on the brink of "more than this place is worth". A tiny little push (ie. next year's expected hike) and they'll be pretty firmly planted on the wrong side of that line. Water is paid by my manager (yay), but gas/trash services and electricity are not--not to mention car insurance (with my comprehensive coverage in a medium-risk neighborhood), registration (which is a one-time fee per year, but it's always about $200 all told for my car), and the day-to-day nickel-and-dime things. I've reached the point twice in the past three months where my paycheck was pretty much spent before I deposited it--and I see this becoming a trend. With no promotion or raise (PAS has never heard of a "cost of living adjustment") on the horizon, this is bad. Also, considering that Long Beach is still about $100-$200 cheaper per month than Los Angeles would be, there's really nowhere else in this area to run, except for the desert towns (Riverside, etc.) to the northeast. *sigh* At least gas prices are at an all-time low. I'd be in even more serious trouble if they hit $2.05/gal like they did in April '99. It's the little things, I suppose.

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