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Location: Home.
Listening: Star Trek: All Good Things, Part II on Comedy Central.

Again, I found something amusing on one of the other journals I read and decided to post it here:

The name Leigh gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary. You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in. Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious. You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships. Although you have a clever, quick, capable mind, your progress in life is restricted by instability in your affairs and misunderstandings with people. Your impulsive nature can lead to actions which you later regret taking, or to accidents. Relaxation is elusive, and depletion due to nervous tension can develop to the point where you become subject to moods of depression and morbid thoughts. Nervous tension centres in the solar plexus, with nervous indigestion and stomach ulcers a possible result.

Frankly, I find this almost disturbingly uncanny. I have indeed, so far, managed to live a life fraught with experiences that are "out of the ordinary". I do indeed find it hard to relax. I do indeed have an ulcer. Eeep. You may find your own name here.

I also found this little quiz on my friend's page:

You are misunderstood. People never see the real you, only the outer persona which is often very different from your true self. You have problems with hostility, and have difficulty understanding yourself. You vent outward, because you fear looking inside yourself for the true root of the problem. You need to understand yourself in order to be understood by others.

Your song is: The Test that Stumped Them All

Which degree of inner turbulence are you?

Curious, but again, strangely accurate.

As a brief update on the day, Yaga and I went to the neighborhood salon once more to get clipped. We emerged looking very sleek and immediately set off for Staples, where I picked up some much-needed supplies and a new stock of my beloved UniBall Microfine black pens. Then off to Borders, where I picked up Arabian Sands by Wilfred Thesiger, who was one of the "Great Discoverers" featured in last month's Vanity Fair. Apparently, he was one of the first non-Bedouins to venture into the desert "wasteland" that was the Empty Quarter. I've been looking for this book for quite a while, and am very much looking forward to reading it. People like Thesiger, Hilary, and Peter Beard are the closest things to heroes I've ever had.

I also picked up Archaeology magazine, because...well...I'm a geek like that.

So, after a yummy munching at Wendy's, we're now home watching Trek. I'm developing quite a fondness for Captain Picard--he's my kind of leader. I've also become very enamored of the Klingon culture, but that's mainly because I've always had a soft spot for warrior codes. Considering that I'm a dedicated pacifist, this might seem contradictory, but considering that a large portion of my ascendants originated from warrior cultures (the Celts, Native Americans, and yes, Bret, the Vikings), it's almost more of an ancestral memory. Something in my blood resonates to the notions of honor, courage, and loyalty. I can think of worse things, really.

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