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Another meme
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And now to the other meme I mentioned....

Greg has kindly come up with five questions for me. I will answer them here, and if anyone reading this would like me to interview you, just add a comment to this post. I do not think I'll need to worry about being swarmed with requests, but I'll limit the number of interviewees to five (seems a reasonable number). Otherwise, requests continue to trickle in long after I've quit checking this entry, and I could rudely snub someone without meaning to.

Remember--if anyone does want to be interviewed, you have to spread the joy and make the same offer to be interviewer.

Without further ado, here are Greg's questions. Baba Wawa, watch your back.

  1. What's your favorite Kung Fu form, and why?

    Oooo, biggie first. Ohmigosh, this is tough. I've learned some cool forms. I'm going to cheat and give three forms, all Shaolin: one empty hand, one weapon, and one sparring set.

    For empty hand forms, I'd have to say #7, Moi Fah (Plum Flower Fist). Yeah, it's the second one we learn, but that's only because it's short. It's got enough intricacy to really keep you motivated by giving you a good taste of what's ahead. One you start to get it down, you think, "Damn, I know kung fu!" You're wrong, but--it's a cool, if blissfully ignorant feeling, nonetheless. Besides, #7's got "Shivering Chicken" and "Fairy Scatters Flowers" in it. Second choice is #3, Jou Mah (Sitting Horse) because it's long and hard and flows really well.

    For weapon, kwan dao and chain whip are major faves, but I have to take broadsword. Yes, unsubtle, hack-and-slash broadsword. Its essence is Tiger. 'Nuff said.

    For sparring set, I'll take broadsword vs spear. I'm the broadsword side. See above. Besides, sword and spear can really look like we're trying to kill each other. This one is a major audience fave, too.

  2. Beautiful house either way, but on the beach or in the forest?

    Forest. The ocean is beautiful, but the forest is where I grew up. You can hide more easily in a forest.

  3. Did you choose writing, or did writing choose you?

    Gah. This is kind of a toughy. In once sense I chose writing, because my older brothers are the scholars and athletes, my sister is the artist, everybody made fun of my singing, and when my sister started in drama too (my first choice for distinguishing myself from the pack) I had to find something else. Writing was it.

    But writing has never let me go.

  4. What's the perfect number for a dinner outing? And what's on the menu?

    Six. Indian.

  5. Who's the best teacher you ever had, and what did they teach you?

    Ah, now you're going to make me cry. My mom.

    My mom taught me to stay open and keep growing and that the past is not the future. Bad influences can be overcome, bad history can be turned around, bad mindsets can give way to good if you're willing to keep your eyes open to your own self, look around you, and grow. This probably doesn't make much sense but I hope I've got the lesson down in my head. I need to think on it more.....

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