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Happy spring, everyone. It was a strange cycle of sunshine / rain / sunshine / rain around here today.

I read a ton of short stories (and one novel) this weekend, the best of which was "The Language of Moths" by Christopher Barzak in the April Realms of Fantasy. It's probably the best story I've read all year. I love that guy's writing.

The weekend was nice all around. Heather finished her novel on Saturday morning (whoo! it rocks!) and afterward we went out in the afternoon to get drinks with Nick, Jody, and Eli. Good beer and good conversation is pretty much all I need to make a Saturday worthwhile. Today I hung out in a café and took a long walk (without getting caught in any of the intermittent downpours). Pleasant, though I've been feeling weirdly restless all weekend. Probably because I haven't gotten back into the Bridge novel yet. I've been wavering between working on that and writing a couple of short stories I have ideas for, and as a consequence of said wavering, I haven't made much actual progress on anything. Not writing makes me antsy. I think I'm going to work on the novel. There, that's decided. Tomorrow I'll dive back into that world of rain, bridges, and betrayal. The stories can wait. I'm in the mood to work on something larger right now. Perhaps because I'm reading so many short stories these days.

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