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Drumming on Drums
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hundreds of monkeys

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Reading: Fragile Things
Music: Pendragon
TV/Movie: Looney Tunes Collection Vol. 1
Link o' the Day: The Poetry Foundation

An interesting time this morning. I mentioned a few days ago when I rebooted this journal that one of the Events that occured during the hiatus was my father having a stroke. It was actually quite a serious stroke--the sort that is often fatal. Fortunately the Stroke Center at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital in New London, CT is an excellent facility. They took good care of him, and after nearly a month, he was moved to a rehab facility in our home town of Westerly, RI, and after a few weeks there, he was able to go home.

He's been steadily improving over the months, although the darkest months of winter (i.e., Jan, Feb.) saw him hit a bit of a wall. It's tough for a man who has, for so very long, relied on his own sense of independence to be dependent upon others. He can't drive any more, and in certain weather he can't leave the house. He was prone to Sundowners Syndrome for a long time, and had to be very careful if going out at night.

He had a relapse a few weeks ago, but after a few days under the questionable care he received at Westerly Hospital, he's seemed to have bounced back right smartly.

One of the things he's bounced back with was the idea to learn something new--in this case, learning a musical instrument. I decided to try to teach him the bodhran--the Irish frame drum often played in traditional-styled music.

I drove down to Westerly this morning with my playing drum, and a practice drum I'm lending him, along with a selection of beaters, CDs to play along with, and an instructional videotape. We sat down for a bit and went through some of the basics: how to hold the drum, how to hold the beater, how to strike the drum, tuning, and general care. It will take a lot of practice--it always does. But if he practices every day, he should pick up all the basics pretty quickly.

The video covers a lot of the same stuff. It's good to see him trying new things. He expressed interest in the mandolin, but we'll see how he goes with the drum first. Or maybe a guitar.

So it was a good morning. His brother and sister came down from Newport to take him out to dinner, and I went back to Providence to run a bunch of chores.

Much later in the day now, and it's time for me to do some work before Pretty Maggie gets back from some chores of her own.

We're coloring Easter Eggs tonight.


So Southland Tales is out. I've not picked it up yet--probably won't be able to until next week. It's gotten mixed reviews, but c'mon. This is the same guy who did Donnie Darko. Is it possible to review a movie of Richard Kelly's easily? I dunno. Maybe this is the directors' version of the sophomore slump (as in how many author's second books are not as well received as their debuts).

I'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, I can enjoy all the previews online for what looks to be a good movie season approaching: Indiana Jones 4, Iron Man, Wall-e, Kung-fu Panda, The Dark Knight, Star Trek, Get Smart, Wanted, and a lot more.

Today's link goes to The Poetry Foundation. This is probably the best site on-line for anyone who loves poetry. There's really too much on this page to list here, you'd just have to see it for yourself. When I'm looking for a poem, this is usually my first stop. When I feel like checking out the latest in thge world of modern poetry, this is my first stop.

Check it on out.
Don't be no lout.

(The Poetry Foundation does not approve or endorse the above attempt at rhymed doggerel. The author of such should be deeply ashamed.)

Oh, I am...I am.



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