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Anthologies. Radiators. Penny Arcade. Fight Club
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Reading: Engaging the Enemy by Elizabeth Moon
Music: Violent Femmes
TV/Movie: Fight Club
Link o' the Day:

Yesterday I mailed back the contract for "Whatever Happened To Baby Charles?" which will be appearing in the anthology Abominations from Shroud Publishing. Info can be found here.

I'm still in talks about what is now going to be called Anthology Project #1. We're trying to decide on themes for the first one. It's coming down to, mayhaps, Space Opera, Super Science, or Humorous Horror. We've decided on a pay rate which isn't bad compared to other anthologies from small publishers. I'm hoping to have solid stuff to announce within a couple of weeks.


Pretty Maggie called me this morning to inform me that the car is in the shop. A few weeks ago we noticed a small coolant leak. We brought it to our mechanic who couldn't find anything, but added some sealer anyway, but we found ourselves still having to refill the radiator every week-and-a-half or so. Apparently today filling it didn't help and it's blown something. We'll know more later in the day, but whatever the news will be, it'll be a pain in the ass.


I mentioned the other day that one of the books I picked up over the weekend was the fourth collection from the folks at Penny Arcade. This is a webcomic, for those who don't already know. And now knowing that, I bet some wonder, "Why would he buy a book of comics he can read online for free?"

Honest question.

The answer is that the comics in book form come with short commentary from the writerly half of the Penny Arcade duo, Jerry Holkins, aka Tycho Brahe. He could write about dandelion fluff and I would find it interesting and amusing. It's hard to put my finger on what there is, exactly, about his style that I find so much fun to read, but there it is just the same. I only wish he would write more.

If you're a fan of Penny-Arcade, you probably know what I'm talking about. If you're not, go find out. In both cases, I strongly recommend the print versions of the Penny Arcade comics. They're well-produced and well worth the bucks.


I recently re-watched Fight Club directed by David Fincher and based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk. I swear, everytime I watch this movie, I see something I hadn't really noticed before. I don't know if that speaks well for the movie, or poorly for me as the viewer. We'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt and say it's the movie. Considering that Entertainment Weekly gave it a D-minus at first, then put it on their "Top 50 DVDs to own" says something about changing perceptions of the film over time. They weren't the only ones, apparently.


Today's link goes to for Speculative Fiction Writers and Readers.


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