We adopted from Russia -
My new life as a Mom

Can I Take This Job & Shove It?
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Learned a lot of things today. At 11:30 Doug came over to school, and we met with my union president. It was about a half-hour meeting, packed full of information. Such as:

If I only wanted to take my 6 weeks' FMLA, none of this would apply. If I want to take the 90 day leave (and still be guaranteed my same position), which is my plan, here's what's up:

The leave I would be taking for adoption is called "child care leave", not maternity. This changes the WHOLE shebang. Downside - I don't get paid for any of it, because it's not "disability" as I haven't given birth. My sick days just "freeze". Goodside - I can still participate in any extracurricular activities such as chaperone dances, coach swimming, etc. because I am not "disabled." Had I actually given birth, I wouldn't be able to do those things.

As I suspected, there WILL be trouble taking the first trip to Russia. It's not that they can't stop me - but I cannot use sick days for it. At all. So I simply won't get paid during the days I am gone. In other words - they dock my pay.
I have to REQUEST to be able to go, as well. As Prez said, it's rare that they would deny it but I have to request it anyway.

As long as I take child care leave after semester break (mid-January) I do not have to return for the rest of the year.

I do not have to decide whether to return to school, extend my leave, or terminate my employment until August 2004. See - I want to work part-time in my school. I do not want to work anywhere else in the district. But if it's full-time or nothing, Doug and I have to SERIOUSLY talk.

Going to a part-time position is up to the discretion of my principal. If I could find someone else who wants to part-time, it would be accepted. Myself going part-time only is 50/50.

It is possible, if I extend my leave another year, to put in a request that says "I will return to work upon an open position at my original school" and can wait until something opens up.

Lots of other little things; letters to write, consider insurance backup, stuff like that. But at least I know where I stand.

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