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The Dreaded Twice Every Four Months Short Meet

Student "edition" found at {csi dot journalspace dot com}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

Since it's academic advising season again, a certain student who I passed in the hallway the other day asked me if he didn't have to fill up his pre-enrollment form anymore because he had already made his plan of study last term. I told him that is only if he got all of the subjects that he wrote down for this term.

This I know for a fact isn't true, and that he had to drop one of the subjects for which he still enrolled the lab subject, in the hopes that a request for change of schedule would be enacted.

So in his very one-track mind, he now believes that every term, before he could fill out his pre-enrollment form, he has to revise his plan of study. Well, not that what he writes there will always be followed by the associate dean anyway, and he's just one person. The oldest irregulars aren't even getting all of their subject opening requests given.

And, it's just a matter of technicality that he is joining the retreat for the third term for those who are graduating, when for all intents and purposes, he has the same subjects right now as the third year irregular students, and thus will take at least one more year before he is able to graduate.

I'm just thankful he isn't one of my students in computer systems organization and computer architecture next term, since there are still some back subject prerequisites he needs to take in the computer engineering flow chart before he takes these.

So that's one more term I can look forward to him not being my student.

On the same front, I'm waiting for Ephraim to approach for advising.

But then again, given his attitude, he's probably not going
to do that until the last minute again, and be surprised when he gets closed out of the subjects he's looking for, because he persists on taking a major that he's obviously not suited for.

By that time, I'm going to require him to show his course cards so I'll know that he really did pass the subjects he says he did.

Session 1915 puts off the one time each term in dealing with teachers who know about his laziness. Class dismissed.

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