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Somewhat Puzzled

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Regular Irritants Behaving Strangely Uncharacteristic

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

I mentioned the speed calculation contest in the student accessible version.

A certain student joined and from what I heard, he was giving the organizers a difficult time by, well, being difficult, least of all complaining about not wanting to move from his seat when some of the contestants had been eliminated.

The whole assembly was also shouting at him when, having reached the finals, he was bugging the organizers about the total number of points. He has really reached a point where he doesn’t care anymore about what others think of him just so he gets his own way, maybe for the attention of his ‘love’.

Good thing he wasn’t in the culmination party like last year, but maybe that’s because he thought the object of his obsession wasn’t going to be attending.

As for the other major event of the day, I was a bit peeved when some people, like slacker co-teacher, didn’t take it seriously enough to arrive on time, and he even made jokes against those who were late afterwards, a defense mechanism of his.

He also still puts up inappropriate joking remarks at times during the serious discussion.

And his speech mannerisms are getting annoying, like prefacing a lot of his arguments with “no” at the start, and saying “the only thing I’m concerned about” when obviously, since he repeats it often enough that I notice, it’s not the only thing he’s concerned about. But at least now he’s on record (on the tape recording of the discussion) as taking a stand, and I’d gladly take it seriously if it does get to the point where, as he keeps repeating half-jokingly but I know is one of his fears, it leads to his being terminated.

He also left unexpectedly before we finished, probably because he wants to beat the traffic on the ride home.

For him, besides, the weekend probably starts on Friday afternoon, and no sense denying himself that.

At least I was able to check papers in the duration, and shoving it in the face of potential and historically long winded speakers not willing to compromise (which, thankfully, did not happen this time) that I have better things to do that just listen to them push their own sometimes irrelevant agenda that just wastes everyone’s time talking around in circles.

Session 2537 would really wish some of these rats would abandon the ship they think is sinking. Class dismissed.

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