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Very Impatient with This

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Just Step Down Already

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

There was another on-the-way-out useless parents' association president trip of the superego today.

He somehow contacted the dean and said something to the effect that there was a possibility of the student council president not being able to present on Saturday for their general assembly.

Of course the dean trickled down the information to me and to do something about it and give her feedback.

So I did. There was no problem on their part. They just received the email today from the soon-to-be-ex-president about needing to meet before the assembly if there was anything else to discuss.

I see this as being part of his control freakishness of wanting to see the students' presentation before it goes up.

After all, if we follow the format from last year, the council presented all the activities where the parents' association helped out. If they did that this year, the band fest and the student guild awards would be noticeably absent, despite history of assistance.

So the council was told to just present their planned activities for which they will need help.

Part of the annoyance there is that the council was told to consult with the dean and the office of student affairs on what had to be done. As if there was anyone else to turn to.

It's part of stating the obvious, but since he mentioned it, he has the illusion that it was his bringing it up that helped.

Also, they were supposed to ask for students to man the registration desk, but the student affairs secretary told them to contact me about it, so I've been waiting for an email since late afternoon.

If their action is just like their propensity to postpone the general assembly, will I receive that request too late?

Will I get the opportunity to turn the tables on them for rejecting the student council's request for funding because it was too late for their six week self-imposed deadline?

At least if I tell them it's too late to get the students to show up, it will be true because the closer to the actual date of the assembly it gets, the more likely that everyone they did not invite ahead of time would have found something else to do they can't leave.

I also hope that I won't be asked to show up there at the last minute. That's just too much to ask.

This is, after all, one of those times where I'd rather not see someone off, but I'd rather wait for the persons who will replace them.

Session 2739 isn't masochistic, just hopeful. Class dismissed.

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