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Not Sleepy At All

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Early Morning Musings

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

Here are the thoughts at nearly 2am. I purposely went to sleep early so that I could wake up at around this time and use the net during the relatively faster off peak hours. In fact, I was in bed by around 7pm, and read for about twenty minutes until my eyes became heavy. I heard my mom knocking on the door of my room telling me it was time for dinner, but I forgot to tell her that I was so full from the birthday celebration of the brother president earlier that I would have to pass.

I do not know if the drowsiness after just a short bit of reading is now an automatic response, or just because I was reading the trivia book I mentioned in the student accessible version a few days ago.

Anyway, I woke up again at around past 9, then started reading again, and woke up again after about an hour and a half nap.

So that is where I am right now. I was online for an hour and a half earlier (since 30 pesos is the smallest amount that can be loaded to the prepaid kit without any leftover at 10 pesos per 30 minutes).

And later I will go online again for 30 minutes more just to upload this. Yes, I was not telling the whole truth in the other post for today when I said I could not have accessed the post from this time last year to review. I simply forgot, having had a mental list of where I could go to surf since earlier.

So, what to write about for today. I do not want to write about games again, at least not twice in one week.

There also was not anything from hanging around with the expanded council of operations earlier for me to divulge.

This is one of the rare times that I have had the foresight (and the energy, with all the opportunity for recharging that I mentioned earlier) to post now knowing that I will be on the road for most of the day.

I hope this kind of anticipation and chance to keep up with commitments keeps up for the rest of the year and beyond.

@@ Ah, there is one thing I could talk about. The overstaying president of the association of parents of college students apparently has talked to the head of the accounting office about taking back the money that he promised from the failed general assembly last July that he would give the student council.

This is maybe because, as I have mentioned in the short social network updates, he has already been faced with the lawyer of the school.

Maybe he is now afraid that all of his money shenanigans, having made the funds of his board independent will be found out.

As I may have said here before, I was very suspicious about his questioning the collection practices of one of the staff members.

This goes back to the psychological precept that what you hate in others (or perceive to dislike) is paramount to you because you also have that bad trait, and the mental connection applies.

Also, there was the admission from the accounting head about his still having a debt from when his son was last enrolled here in the first term of last school year (not this school year), 16 months ago.

Session 2909 wants him investigated and jailed now. Class dismissed.

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