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During Math and Aftermath

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

It was the first time that I had to miss out on an extended operations council off campus workshop.

This was because I was expected to stay in school to oversee the band fest, even if it meant that it was possible for the facilities personnel not to have fulfilled the instructions left by their boss.

The workshop was supposed to be originally set for Friday to Saturday, but was moved to Friday night to Saturday afternoon instead, because of the fight of the national fist on Sunday, I think.

It also did not help that the dean texted me on late Friday night asking how the proceedings went, when I wanted to ask her the same thing, wishing I was there instead.

Okay, so now I will talk about the event that I have given nary a mention in the student accessible version.

First of all, the students are so delusional about their success that they did not even see the strange weather of the day itself and the day prior as a sign that the gods were against them. In fact they even used that as an excuse why the event was not as good as they have envisioned, when in fact, if it were not for the weather, it would have been just as bad, and they would come up with another reason for the complaints of the audience.

That is the sad thing about this; that they cannot see that they say they are always not at fault, and they blame it on everyone else, including the administrators for what they cannot accomplish. After all, good intentions, which is supposedly what they have in the first place, is what the road to where is paved with?

All throughout the last week before the event they were still having documents signed, and they did not see this as bad practice. In fact, for the two days of that week that I was out of campus, intentionally, they even had the guidance counselor sign in my stead.

And she was more cautious about signing anything in my name that she had to call me to describe the document before she signed anything, when in fact if they had made the documents earlier, and in fact had prepared for it earlier, then they would not have to rush.

If they had been on top of the ball, they would not have delayed the start of the show as late as they did, three hours, even worse than for the talent show, which was two hours, and that was without rain.

So they could not blame it on the rain, because they have a culture of procrastination already shown anyway.

And since they themselves have no concept of time management, it shows in how they treat other people, including their guests with whom they cannot be strict on promptness, and to their audience, with whom they think it is okay to make them wait.

Session 3005 may write this verbatim in the evaluation of the event to be given to the dean’s office. Class dismissed.

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