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I have internet! And cable tv!
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I am now the proud user of Comcast's cable internet service. And cable television service. However, I am not currently wireless, and my chair and desk are at the wrong height in comparison to each other, which makes working on my laptop frustrating.

Aaah, I just released the USB cable from its wire-twistie prison, and now I can at least put my laptop on top of my lap. :)

And by the way, there's nothing on TV. I checked. After re-converging all the color whoosamafloozies and whatsamajiggers. The color is now more aligned on my television set, but I'm still getting this funky ghost image on words, especially on the on-screen menus. But that's a problem for another day.

Other accomplishments of the day: My nephews came over and helped me sand the rough and splintery fresh-cut edges of the five 7 foot 1 x 6 boards I purchased yesterday at San Lorenzo Lumber. It's great having a full-service lumberyard in town. The beautiful pale pine boards will become my new mass market paperback bookshelves. And I've decided to use these completely garish 22 or 24 oz. insulated acrylic tumblers as braces. They come in blue, green, yellowish-orange and red. Only in multi-packs, of course, because they're a Costco find. They're going to make my shelves look crazy and weird and bright and they'll be the perfect height. I would get a little bit more room if I used something traditional as walls and braces, like, oh, say, wood. But this is more me, I think. Anyway, I'm not sure how I'm going to attach them to the planks. First, of course, I have to seal the boards with polyurethane sealant, and then there'll be this polyurethane coating on the wood, so I'm thinking maybe some kind of expoxy or superglue. I don't know for sure. And it might not work at all, in which case I'll have to go back to the idea of wood or just some bricks. But I'm afraid if I use the ol' bricks 'n' boards technique, I'll end up stubbing my toes on the bricks. Repeatedly. It's just the kind of thing I'd do. So acrylic tumblers work better in the stubbed toe department, too.

Anyway, tomorrow is another day, right? Speaking of which, I'm going to see Gone With the Wind tomorrow for the first time. Liz was shocked and horrified that I'd never seen it, and she ordered it on Netflix just so she could make me watch it. So that should be fun. I hope.

Anyway, I'm behind on a billion internet things, mainly email, so I'm going to end here, but YAY! for being technologically connected!

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