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What a week! Or is it two?
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After writing the following, I realized that I hadn't said anything about Hurricane Katrina and the devestation of the Gulf Coast. The truth is, I don't know what to say. I hope the people who live there are able to rebuild and recover and move on. I'm glad I wasn't there. Michelle L., I hope you go home and find your home still there. I don't know -- it's just too big. And I'm sorry to say, I'm so focused on preparing for the school year, I just can't put my energy on Katrina.

When I recovered from being sick, I had to work like mad to get my classroom ready. I'm feeling much more prepared for this school year, but it's been a lot of work in any case.

My students and I will be going on four big trips this year: Mendocino, New York City (hey, Mich & Beth, wanna' come say hi?), Monterey/Salinas, and Gold Country, California. And I have lessons for all of those places. Or at least activities.

I'm feeling kind of stressed out right now, even though I also feel prepared, because my classroom isn't as clean as I'd like it to be. AGAIN. And we're leaving for Strawberry tomorrow. Which means that tonight and tomorrow morning I have to pack up my stuff, and help Jessie & Stewart pack the van (or more likely, hang out with the boys so that Jessie & Stewart can pack the van).

On the bright side, I've finally gotten a chance to enjoy my new car! Have I mentioned to anyone that I have a new car? Yay! It's wonderful and lovely and it goes vroom when I want it to. And twice now I've used the GPS system to get my car to tell me how to get where I need to go. Very cool.

Okay, I'm going to go eat something and do more cleaning now. I haven't left school yet. It's 6:15. I'm hoping to get home by 9.

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