Something to Do Before I Die

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Rambling Woman
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Right now I'm MAD!!!

Lust, Tori Amos
Interlude, Ekova
The Refugee, U2
Dead Souls, NIN
Without a Face, Rage

I was working on a really long e-mail that would be my chapter's monthly report and I was feeling happy with it and glad to finally get to the send button. And then Hotmail completely crapped out on me. I couldn't even hit the back button to get the body of the e-mail and save it to a document. I don't know if it went anywhere or anything. fuck. My other accounts are also unreachable. motherfucker.

what a fine cap to this day. and today is just a continuation of yesterday, only it wasn't so bad. It's just I've been trying to put together this bed frame that I got from Ikea three years ago but had since then lost all of the puts that held it together like the nuts, bolts, allen wrenches and so on. It's required *several* trips beack to ask for a couple of more parts and another pointer or two on what to do next. Last night I realized I could not proceed any further without a drill. I might just push for going to a Home Depot tonight after dinner that I know is open 24 hours a day and buy a damned drill.

Yep, I'm still at work which brings me to my next point. I'm actually waiting for Molasses to get here and then we'll go to Mick and Schmick (I think?) for cheap food. We'll go there to meet with Richard, an old friend of mine who I haven't seen in a while. But the point is actually that my work is sucking a lot right now. I'm here late because I've been working on some mandatory overtime, and have been so distracted by certain other goings-on that it's been hard to stay on task. One of the girls here was fired today and I didn't even notice until someone else came up and told me. And then gave me a warning. "when you rock the boat, don't do it too hard."

I know this girl had a few problems here and there as management saw it - less than stellar scores, not finishing all of her work every day, consistently late. But it's hard to say that was the only thing, when I know that's also someone who is very outspoken when the managements does dumb things like forcing us into binds and then scolding us when we can't get out of them. It's really kinda sad. I guess I should watch my back, huh?

There is something I wanted to say very quickly, and that's that I'm beginning to understand why people turn into yuppies. Tuesday night I was leaving work and at one point the President came on for his state of the union address. Now I listen to NPR regularly and had been kind of dreading this because they kept reminding themselves that the primary topics would be about this "war." By the time he actually started speaking I was squirming! I was sitting alone in my car, squirming!! He jumped right into the war and what a great people we are and blah blah and I just couldn't take it and I switched radio stations to KROQ. Periodically I would switch back to find him still nattering on about the mighty and god-blessed things we are doing and I found myself yelling "Bullshit!" at my radio.

So I tuned into 98.7 in the hopes that they would play some Tori to assuage my tortured soul. faugh. what a phoney I am.

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