Something to Do Before I Die

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okey. People. Listenup.
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doin ok


living in a vaccuum these days. lists that used to flood my inboxes went away. I have to sub to the new lists but the silence is so nice....

I've been alright today. Went to sleep and woke up with Dead Can dance running in my head and it's had a very calming effect. During the drive to work my brain some how switched channels and They Might be Giants started running through my head. They snuck in and I almost didn't notice except that with them came several images of Molasses singing and dancing to their tunes and I couldn't help but grin my way to work.

Molasses is my best friend and my boyfriend and I just don't think I could get any luckier in that regard. It's like finding out that the crazy uncle in Vegas that no one likes to talk about died and left *you* his vast gambling fortunes. It's like being a biologist and doodling on your notebad before going to bed and in the morning realizing that your doodles are going to cure cancer. It's pennies from heaven, a four-leaf clover, and every good thing you ever got that you never deserved. Sometimes I can't bear to look away cause he might disappear. *blushes* I'm in love, sue me.

I told him last night how I've been feeling and predictably he started to cuddle and whimper. But I explained I don't really have any interest in leaving my life, it's just that living in my skin, between my two ears and behind my eyes I get very lost and feel oppressed and unhappy. He has nothing to do with it, and in fact he can often help me back out to the light of day. He was concerned and reassured me that I could talk to him any time I needed. I already knew that but my problems stem more from not being able to talk when I need to, not from not having someone to listen. Anyway, he made me feel better. }:>

I've lost track of Jester. i don't have any contact information for him and he's supposed to be getting married in June. I need to ask him what's up with that and if I'm still invited. He said as much last August, but I haven't really heard much since. I'd need to plan that weekend since it'll be in Iowa, most likely.

And what is it with all you people getting married? shit, old people get married, what's your deal?? Well, at least Kenny and Jenn are having it across the street from where I work, Jester is in Iowa in June, one of Molasses' friends is getting married in July and Molasses is the best man. The friend is getting married in Virginia, just outside of Washington DC, and Molasses wants me to go with him to show me around his hometown. M. Black is also getting married something over a year from now. Might be in Chicago, might be in New York. }:P Last wedding I went to was for one of my freshman roommated. In Indiana. }:P

And something dark to ruin your day: remember how I said I'm looking at more "informative" sites? Well this also include sites that give sort-of(ish) info that is just supposed to disguise the opinions and moral stances of the authors. Some of it is just fucking creepy. I had to look at these sites by anti-abortion folks who insist on portraying themselves as a resource for unexpectedly pregnant woman insisting that, "we don't judge!" and that all their content is purely informative. don't see how they can give me informative information when I'm squiring at just reading through their site. They actually wanted to say that content like:

How can a girl give up her own baby for adoption and go through life never knowing what is happening to her child?
Which is better to remember, “I gave my baby life. And because I loved him, I gave him into the arms of a loving couple” - or to remember, “I selfishly ended my baby’s life?”


What about cases of rape and incest?
Pregnancy from rape is extremely rare. A study of one thousand rape victims who were treated after the rape reported no pregnancies. There are no known studies of incest cases. Medically, we know pregnancy in these cases would be rare. As reasons for legalizing abortion rape and incest are nothing more than emotional screens used by those profiting from abortion.

should be counted as serious facts.... oh my gosh I just don't know where to start. I mean they call making a Moral and ethical judgement a *clinical fact.* And then they make specious arguements like only those who profit from abortion would encourage them in cases of rape when THEIR OWN PREMISE is that women *rarely* become pregnant due to rape. holy crap people, listen to yourselves before you go trying to convince other people.

I hate working on sites like that. *sigh*

If you want the URL of the site, write to me.

gotta get back to work now...

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