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Give me Your Down and Your Weak
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Give me Your Dollar Whores

listening: The (first) Crow Soundtrack

Having a slightly boring afternoon at work before I can head off. I have a little bit of nervousness since I'm going off to run a Mage game and I'm starting to lose track of what it was that I wanted to do with the plot. I spent the last hour writing some notes to push things along. Still no sign of my copy of the rules book.

Right now the style of narration I have isn't the one I like best because I'm doing everything I can to preserve the game. That tends to involve a lot of action and piling on of facts. I can't leave much time for introspection or for self-indulgent narration of the sensual qualities of the world I'm trying to invoke or I risk losing the few players that come out every month. If I can get attendance increased people may come to socialize as much as anything and then they might not care if I spent inordinate amounts of time whispering in other people's ears rather than giving them bad guys to beat up on.

But I miss being able to indulge. To really plumb the depths of the so-called World of Darkness and observe the reactions of my friends as I make them question their beliefs in what they thought was human nature. So their characters are mighty enough to literally move mountains? Big deal. So they have learned the True Names of all of the gods? So? They have *work* at figuring out how to really make a difference.

*sigh* Also I'm hoping tonight goes well cause I think Squire is ready to abandon the game entirely if he has to go hang out at another coffee shop with just Molasses and me. He was good enough to ignore it last time but now he seems more and more eager to just stay home by himself on a Saturday night than go out and that worries me. He's never been good at being alone. I wonder what's going through his mind....

I have a couple of half-hearted "I'll be there's" so I hope the people make good.

Staying friends with several folks is what keeps me gaming, and Mage is what makes gaming fun for me. Without Mage I'll probably ditch gaming, and if I quit gaming there are a lot people I won't see again. Squire and I might be able to hang with still cause of climbing and The West Wing but it would be really tough. *sigh*

So I hope....

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