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Vampire: The Goofy
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Listening: "How Sweet Mal," Ekova

There's a lot that could go wrong this weekend. A lot.

Last night was ok. Got in another Mage game but for me it was cut short at one am, mostly because I was whining about being tired and having to go to work the next day.

Then I didn't go to work. }:P I was tired and realized the only I could accomplish everything I wanted *and* go to work was to get up at five thirty. bleah. Obnoxious thing is I'm shoving work aside for freaking gaming. I don't like where that's headed. I'll be keeping an eye on that.

Tonight I'm running a vamp game. I'm somewhat interested in it, which is a little switch from previously. Usually I'm somewhere between apprehensive and bored. Vamp is not my venue, but I want to tell a story, and I want show people what a game is like when the storyteller doesn't spend all night sitting on his/her hands expecting people to have a great time with no plot.

*sigh* But Molasses can't be there. He'll be driving his parents from LBC to Hemet. Yeah, freaking Hemet. They decided to fly all the way out here to spend a few days in lovely southern California, see their son and relax in _Hemet_ of all places. I think they have a timeshare there, but God only knows why. I might have to see less of him if they crashed here, or got a hotel in Long Beach, but they'd actually get to see bits of California that are worth seeing. Sheesh. Hemet?!?!?

Anyway I'm short on people to play NPCs, which kind of sucks, but I'll make due, I guess. The toughest part is that I still haven't gotten to talk to the DST on some stuff that might take approval....I can probably find my way out, it's just easier to talk to people about these things ahead of time. I don't have much for decoration so I think I'll grab some candles and my stereo and head over very early and see how I can spread it around.

I hope it's fun but the concept is usually more titilating than actually running a vamp game and so I have a sinking feeling that I'll be bored at the game. Actually I'll probably be too busy to be bored, but being busy doesn't necessarily mean having a good time. *sigh* oh well. dear god I hope this goes well.

Tomorrow I'm going to my parent's house. We'll probably go to some midday mass for Palm Sunday and then go home and sit around at home, bored. Hopefully Mom and I will make a pinapple upside down cake for later and maybe she'll cut my hair. It's getting so I keep sitting on it. But then it tend to go slow when anyone who isn't me cuts it. Cause well my version of cutting my hair involves grabbing it and running scissors through till it stops annoying me. I'll start making my way out in the early afternoon, hopefully it won't be too hard. Sometimes saying good bye to my family only takes twenty mintues, sometimes it takes three or more hours.

Then on to hanging out in LBC with Molasses and anyone else that shows up. }:> I've gotten a few affirmatives so it's sounding really nice. I hope nothing breaks....

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