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Listening: Selected pieces from Lost Highway

Somehow I manged to stumble onto a very busy week.

I have no plans tonight which is good and bad. I can hypothetically get to work on several projects I keep putting off and start skimming over Sergei's translation project. Don't worry I'm not going to do too much without a real go-ahead, but some of the language has me convinced that I better be sure about what I'm talking about. Got a few bits of Mage that I promised myself I'd do but haven't touched in weeks.

The Bad side is that I know myself and how easily I can give into procrastination, and I also know how easily I can have a miserable time hanging out by myself without much media to distract myself. I hate taht about me. *sighs* wish I had modem on my PC.

Oh well, tomorrow Molasses gets back in the evening. Maybe I'll surprise him with tamales and some other suitable side dish. I'll try to be in and out of work early so I can go down to the LBC and straighten out his place and maybe do a little more work on my various projects.

Wednesday Squire will be available again and I can watch last week's and this week's West Wing. So we'll be mostly sedentary and I can pester Squire with computer and gaming questions.

Thursday I'm spending with Molasses as usual and we mentioned doing something nice but maybe depending on the timing/projects we'll settle for a quiet night in.

Friday is all fucked up...There's a Mage game run by one of the local chapters, Mme Black mentioned hanging out (though I need to run it past Molasses first), and Agent Orange is having a party. I wanna party }:< but can't really....

Saturday is the 5K Run/Walk. (I'm up to $80!) Have to get to the Colosieum (sp?) around 7.30am. yuck. Also, hypothetically, I'll have a doctor's appointment afterwards. I need a different doctor. I can only see this one during an hour and half window on Saturdays in Pasadena. That's silly.

Saturday night is domain Mage which is woefully behind in planning, and Sunday is Mother's Day. Yay the whole day with the fam, far away from any connection to normal people. Here's hoping I can convince Molasses to come along.

ok... there was nothing terribly sweet about this entry, but is there ever? I mean really?

- Post-script I just found out that Wednesday might change plans because Squire might, in fact, not be available. darn it. Well, I might be able to hang out with Mme Black that night (although without Molasses) and then Friday night there are (so far) only two options. But that's only if Squire doesn't get back from Santa Clara in time for the West Wing.

- Post, Post-Script This has me out of sorts and thinking about the neraly-full pack of cigarettes in my car (yes *that* pack) and how I might wander out at some point and smoke one of the cigarettes. dang this is turning into an unhealthy day....

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