Something to Do Before I Die

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Leah's Thoughts
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really bored

Listening: Rid of Me, PJ Harvey

Leah Ruben is my non-Ventrue Ventrue. Ancilla caitiff, she was embraced nearly 375 years ago by a Ventrue who was promptly killed by several anarchs who then used and abused her. She was supposed to be a lot more fun that she ended up being, although I had a *huge* blast in an e-mail exchange with Dawn who was playing Karl Reichart, Goebbel's right-hand man (Leah's Jewish, you see). But Dawn went away and Leah stopped being fun nearly a year ago. I haven't played her since last summer and if my new character gets approved she'll be put out to pasture.

She was originally inspired by a joke on the Ventrue list when I was playing my real Ventrue, Veronika, and by the song "My Beautiful Leah," by PJ Harvey. But that changed over time.

[1] are you male or female?
It is strange, isn't it? The anonymity the Internet affords. I could be either, or both, or neither. But as it so happens I was born female. Although, of course, gender ceased to matter some time ago.

[2] describe your neighborhood
*clears throat with a sly smile* Officially, I live far to the north, over two hours from the city of Los Angeels. In truth, I live between Inglewood in a *very* part of town and the shipping yards and holdng facillities of the Los Angeles docks. Not very hospitable, but I require very little from my living space.

[3] how do you look?
It entirely depends on if you mean the body I depend on for sustenance or the body I am currently wearing. I can change bodies easily enough, but I must return to my original vessel. That one looks almost exactly as it did on my wedding night all those years ago. My husband-to-be described me as beautiful many times and I do not doubt him or the other men who asked the matchmaker to speak with my father. My body is still that of the nineteen-year old woman, average height, slight build, a proud face and waist-length, thick hair. The skin has perhaps gotten more pale over the years.

[4] if you could say something to the person you like/love, what would it be?
*long sigh* Leave me before you die as well.

[5] where do you wish you were right now?
Not where, when. I have found how to breath again, how to eat again, and even (dear God!) how to face the sun again - if only for a very short time. But what I can never have is my family. I would give everything to sit again at my father's table and break bread with my family.

[6] what would you say to your best friend?
I keep very few friends. Exceedingly few ever become very close. Were I to vocalize anything it would be something like, "Being my friend may easily result in your death. But if you stay, know that I would die for you. Anywhere. Anytime."

[7] any words of wisdom?
Always look people in the eye when talking business. Don't talk business when in the midst of pleasure. And never, ever go anywhere without a plan to get out and a gun that does not miss.

[8] describe yourself
There is very little to describe. I am a vampire. I am a business woman. I have very few ideals.

[9] what do you think of drugs and alcohol?
Good for business, but the people doing the buying are often the most shiftless, lazy, poorest of any humans on this planet. But often enough they also wish for guns. This is better for business.

[10] if you could say one thing to your enemy, what would it be?
Keeping an enemy for long is unhealthy, and vampires don't really get sick, unless it's in a very terminal way. If I am confronted with an enemy I find a way to settle it quickly. If blood must be spilled it will be there's and it will be gone before daybreak.

[11] what do you usually do on friday nights?
Usually these are prime nights for business. I track potential partners all over Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside counties. I attend their raves, parties and what-have-you. Occasionally I stop by the Elysium but this has concerned me less and less these nights.

[12] are you for world peace?
That sounds like an excellent dream. Unfortunately for that dream and fortunately for my business lasting peace of any kind is impossible. I, unlike many of my sort, do not dream. I am a pragmatist. And a capitalist.

[13] what do you think about school?
not very much. It exists in a sphere I never visit. My schooling was the sort for daughters of wealthy businessmen. Except for the Hebrew I learned nearly one hundred years later.

[14] how do you feel right now?
I believe this body is hungry. Otherwise I feel very little.

[15] any closing words?
Faith may move mountains but only the bottom line will make men act.

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