Something to Do Before I Die

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Okey so I started writing about how I was surrounded by four men and we had made up our minds to get drunk. It sounded like a really good idea a the time and conversation revolved around alcohol and porn. And all was goodness. Then something happened to the browser I was working in and the entry went bye-bye.

Then someone busted out the PS2 and I'm left with Space Dog's laptop and running out of journals to surf. Well actually there's always more but it's not *terribly* fun for me to read over stuff people wrote when they're folks I don't know.

Anyway I have a mighty drink made of Cran-Strawberry and vodka. It's very alcoholic which is good because it tastes of alcohol and cranberries, neither of which I like.

At work I always have a ton of computer stuff to do (besides, you know, work) but of course most of it is saved/logged on my computer. oh well.

I'm wondering how I can swing the conversation back to sex or something interesting rather than Baldur's Gate.

Last night was a triple birthday party for Richard, Allen and Ian. I discovered Richard's real age (unless he has us all fooled) and he's younger than I figured. Today I worked some OT, puttered around at home, and headed up to Space Dog and the Ice Cream Assassin's house for a barbeque. The food was yummy, and as soon as I finish this drink, my next drink will be good too. I'm not sure what tomorrow will be about. Laundry. hanging with Ice Cream...dunno. Then Monday is taking it easy time and then lunch with Faith and Sergei and the other folks they invited to say good bye to them.

It's weird I haven't really seen Faith all that much since she came back from Texas, but since this whole journal thing I've gotten used to her being nearby, just an e-mail or an AIM away. Somehow I associated that with being fairly close by, physically and that we could easily enough arrange for dinner together....Silly me. Still, life is goofy and sometime stuff happens.... Someone gets sick, you run out of money, you get pregnant...suddenly you need out and fast.

I dunno, I've just never had to move further than thirty-five miles, and I really wouldn't want to. So people who can just swallow hard and sign on the dotted line at a moment's notice often amaze me.

But like I said, it's always the people that I *don't* want moving from California that end up leaving. darn it all.

I need to drink more.

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