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Tyr and the Knight of Wands
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Listening to lots of Dead Can Dance


squire is going to head up here and hang out and I have _no_ idea where he is right now. Or what we're going to do tonight.

I was up in the kitchen playing pool against myself and in a quick unscientific study found out two things: I suck when I'm being watched by people I don't know and my left and right are actually pretty well matched for ability. Also I suck at banked shots, but I knew that already. The table isn't that great but it's the only place I know of that I can play for free, plus it's in the building I work in. (Bonus!)

Only thing is my idea of a is a dark indoors, lots of velvet and plenty of alcohol (really my ideal for anywhere). Work has none of that.

But I was thinking of a couple of other things too, just not in any real depth. I decided to waste some time earlier looking up tarot and runic readings. I used to be into astrology more in college, but I don't really have the time or resources to keep my charts up to date and most astrology services are a joke since they focus exclusive on the questioner's sun sign to the exclusion of the other celetial bodies. It's like tarot readings that only include the major arcana and never have reverses.

But I found a couple of sites that have good readings, or at least I feel I can get into them. The troubling thing (and to give you a little background I ask mostly about money the other stuff just gets too amorphous and confusing) is that Death and some other signs of a great shake up keep showing up in the soonish sense. It worries me if this really has something to do with money. Could mean the loss of my job, could even mean the loss of my company's existence. It could relate to something that doesn't have anything to do with my financial standing. But that makes me even more nervous. Unless it's signifying a determined jump from the corporate world into complete self-reliance in some other field. That would be terrifying, but of course the cards don't show if that move would be successful or even wise.

The only times the cards or even runes show that I'll do well financially is when they're saying something terribly obvious "just fight for what is yours, take it, and don't look back!" or they're intimating some kind of lightening strike like letting some amount of luck come my way and take me away from it all like marrying well, inheriting some mula or something...but no gambling! Gambling = bad, apparently. Fortunately I don't like gambling, but I also don't want to get married and I don't know of any rich relatives.


Well Squire's here. Guess I'll come back and talk about my spirituality, or my current lack thereof later.

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