Something to Do Before I Die

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No One Knows My Plan
Put on your Red Shoes and Dance the Blues
Maybe I should play God, and shoot you myself
Bells and Footfalls and Soldiers and Dolls
In my Heart I did No Crime
God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"
My Alter Ego
"Official" Tori
He said "Hi," by the way

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here's the thing, when I learn something I can usually do it quickly if I only stress doing it well a little bit. But when i stress about doing it fully and it takes me more than half the day, and it's something that *will not* matter in the long run which just shows how amazing I am at wasting time. at least I'll get paid for it.

but I'm done. can't leave for another forty-five minutes but I've got my rewards all laid out for me - hot chocolate, microwave popcorn and a quiz I stole from Coyote.

dang it I burnt some of the popcorn. *sigh* well this is the day for it, I guess

What's on your bedside table?

Don't have one. Need one. (Coyote's Answer is also mine, but my elaboration is different) If I had one I'd put my nightlight, radio/clock and reading lamp on it. And whatever dirty book I'm currently reading.

What's the geekiest part of your music collection?

gosh...what counts as geeky? is it embarassing? I think the Tiffany and New Kids tapes I was given I "lost" a long time ago. I think I still have the Billy Ray Cyrus tape tho. In my defense though, it was given to me.

What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?

hmm not much food, but tons of water. It doesn't normally occur to me to raid it in the middle of the night, but shortly before heading to bed and often when I get up in the morning I'll grab a new bottle, occasionally forgetting that there are already a couple of bottles by my bed. (which is really goofy since my apartment is all one room and my bed is easily visible from the fridge, but since this is around sleepy-time I think it makes some sense)

What is your secret guaranteed weeping film?

err...none/all? the weirdest things make me cry and never at any time that I can anticipate. The last movie that made me tear up was Lilo & Stitch.

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?

true plastic surgery would be to eliminate the scars on my feet, but I *so* don't care about that; as for cosmetic surgery it's a no-brainer.

Breast-reduction. Before you say anything: Shut Up.

Do you have a completely irrational fear?

nope. It's perfectly rational to be afraid of spiders. But the daredevils that like to tempt fate by squishing them have my endless admiration.

What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?

Getting very, *very* quiet and avoiding someone's gaze. Either I'm nervous or I've completely spaced.

Do you ever have to beg?

Um. rarely. It does come up occasionally, just not often.

Do you have too many love interests?

Do you know anyone famous?

know as in...? I've worked in close proximity to Norm MacDonald and that one chick from 7th Heaven, but as an extra you're really not supposed to talk to the stars. So I settled with smiling at them and going about my business.

I shook hands with John Flansburg after the TMBG show on Saturday (totally killer BTW); and had my head rubbed by Courtney Love (Before you say anything: Shut UP). I met David Henry Hwang on my birthday and before that I got Tony Kushner to sign my copy of Angel's in America.

At USC I knew a lot of people who were gonna be famous - some had already been on TV, several had been on local stages and I knew a girl who managed to get a Hollywood studio interested in a script she wrote. Two of my teachers were on television shows that I could name, plenty more have been on various stage productions literally around the world.

Describe your bed

Short woood frame from Ikea, full-size mattress. the frame is blond-colored, usually covered by a black fitted sheet, green panel sheet, red and green comforter and a throw with wolves on it.

Spontaneous or plan?

hmm spontaneous is usually best when it works, but since it rarely does I prefer to plan.

Who should play you in a movie about your life?

I keep going back and forth between either Judy Garland and Marlene Deitrich. Judy is probably closer to who I am (all broken and lost in her dreams; but skinny) while Marlene is who I fricken wish I was....

Do you know how to play poker?

not really. I can muddle through but usally miss good tricks.

What do you carry with you at all times?

um. is this a trick question?
how 'bout my hands.

How do you drive?

Fast. Agent Orange once said I drive like a Nascar driver. best compliment he ever gave me }:>

What do you miss most about being little?

going barefoot for days at a time, not having to report to the same fricken place every day during summer, having someone else make me a (free) lunch

Are you happy with your given name?

eh, not really. but the number of people that tease me over has dropped dramatically in past few years

How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for a year?

If you have to ask.... first of all: I depend on the Net for my livelihood, second: you'd have to give me something to fill my time with, third: where am I gonna get this much porn?!?

What colour is your bedroom?

the walls are white. The other stuff is...other colors.

What was the last song you were listening to?

Well I'm listening to Bjork's Debut album and I'm on track 7 so, *checks*, looks like track 6 is "Big Time Sensuality."

Have you ever been in a school play?

erm. see the part where I was a theatre major.

Who are your best friends?

My Molasses, The Squire of Dimmness

Have you ever been in love?

Whaddya mean "been?"

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

ugh. some days I like what I've done. some days I can feel accomplished and every now and then I'm downright proud. today is not one of those

Have you ever done any illegal drugs?


Do you think you're cute?


Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

I have my moments.

Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?
cumulatively, with my boyfriend. I often see friends, but typically my boyfriend is with me.

Ok, done now. I can go home now

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